C Programming

Integer Division in C

“C is a commonly used, efficient, and adaptable basic computing language. In simple words, understanding “C” is the initial step toward learning other programming languages. C provides a variety of functions to execute a variety of tasks. In this article, we’ll perform the division of two integer numbers using the division operator (/) and the modulo operator (%) to obtain the quotient remainder. Although the “div t()” function of the C programming language is also available to us for obtaining the quotient and remainder, we are using the easiest ways for division in the examples below.”

Example#1: Dividing of Two Numbers by Using the Straightforward Division Operation (/)

In this example, we’ll divide two integer values in the “C” language using the division operation. The script below demonstrates how to programmatically implement the division operation in the “C” language.

Let’s start the code. This code begins with the line “#include <stdio.h>” which means that we are first adding the code’s header files, which include all of the necessary input and output operations, to the code. It is simply an abbreviation for standard input input-output and contains data about input-output functions. The “main function” is then used with the “int” datatype. Basically “int main()” function is used to return values of the integer data type.

Now that we have inserted two curly brackets between these two brackets, first, we initialize three variables “a”, “b,” and “Division” with the integer datatype. We initialize “Division” in this spot because we need to perform a division operation there, and the outcome will be stored inside the “Division”. Following that, we used the “print function” to print the statement “Entering the Numbers” we used “/n” before and after this statement because we wanted to move on to the next line after displaying this statement. Now we display another statement, “First Number,” by using the print function once more. The “scan()” function “scan f” was then used to take input from the user. We used “%d” and “&a” within this scan function.

In the “C” language for the datatype specifier, %d is used. It designates the variable’s type as a decimal, and “&” denotes ampersand; it enables us to pass the address of the variable number, which is where we store the data that can be read in memory. Since we need to divide and are aware that two or more two numbers need to be used, we must get a second number from the user by using the “scan()” function; however, we print the statement “Second Number” and then, in the next line, we use the “scan()” method to obtain the second value from the user.

Then, we divided the two variables “a” and “b” using the operator (/), and the resulting value was stored in the variable “Division,” which we initialized with an integer datatype in the first line. We are now displaying the division’s findings, as shown in the screenshot. To view the output, click on the “run” button.

Before starting the process of entering numbers, the statement “Entering the numbers” will be displayed. Afterward, the user will be asked to enter the division’s numbers. “16″ is the first number we enter; the user will be prompted to enter a second number after pressing the enter key on the keyboard after entering the first number. In the second number, we entered “2”; therefore, we are dividing 16 by 2 in this example.

Once both numbers have been entered and then press enter key, the division of the numbers 16 divided by two will be displayed. The result is “8,” indicating that the operation is completed by the code.

Example#2: Utilizing the Division Operator (/) and Modulo Operator (%) to Determine the Quotient and Remainder

Similar to the preceding example, this one also involves locating and displaying the division’s remainder. In this C programming, the division operator (/) cannot be used to get the remainder. In the C language, we can find the remainder by utilizing the percentage “%” symbol used as a modulo. In this code, we will take two values from the user and divide them, and then display their quotient and remainder. The code below illustrates how it functions properly in the tool.

Let’s begin implementing our second example code by first including the “stdio.h” header files. The “main()” function with the “int” datatype is then used. Int datatype is used for integers. We used “int main()” because this function will return the integer datatype values. Then we used two curly brackets in between these brackets; first, we initialized four variables with the “int” datatype “Number,” “Divisor,” “Quotient,” and “Reminder.” Then, we used the “print()” function to print the statement “Enter Number” after we used the “scan()” function to retrieve the user’s input values for division.

We used “%i” inside the scan function, and after adding a comma, we used “&Number.” The format specifier “%i” is used to designate an integer datatype for the variables, and “&Number” is used to store the value at the location that the user provides. Similar to before, we now want to obtain the divisor from the user because the division vision is only possible when we have both the dividend and the divisor. To do this, we first print the statement “Enter Divisor” before using the “scan()” function to obtain the user’s input for a divisor value.

Furthermore, to find the quotient, we utilized the division operator (/). As you can see, “Number/Divisor” is being used in this instance, which implies that the number is being divided by the divisor, and the outcome will be saved in the variable quotient, which we initialized at the beginning. The remainder is then determined using the symbol percentage “%,” which is known as a modulo in the “C” programming language. Therefore “Number% Divisor” is used in the image above to compute the remainder of the division.

Now that we have come to the end part of the code in which we have to display the result. To do this, we simply utilized the print function inside the print function; we passed both quotient and remainder values. We used “Quotient=%i/n” with inverted commas; this “%i” is a format specifier for integer values while “/n” is used to jump a new line since the outcome of dividing two numbers is stored in the variable “Quotient.” We typed a comma and then used it here. The same procedure is used in the next line to display the remainder, but this time we utilized the variable “Remainder” since the value of the remainder is stored in this variable. Then we used “return 0,” returning (0) indicating that the program ran effectively and achieved its goal. Let’s now display the code’s output.

When we run the code, it will prompt the user to enter the number for the division. You can see that we typed “50” as the first number. After pressing enter, it will be asked the user to enter the number for a divisor, so we entered “10” as the number. Press the enter key after that.

As you can see in the image above, the value of the quotient and remainder are displayed after pressing the enter key. So whenever we divide “50” by “10,” the quotient we get “5,” and the remainder will be “0”.


In this article, we demonstrated how to divide two numbers in C programming using the division operator. To illustrate this, we provided you with two alternative examples. Using the division (/) operator, we only found the quotient in the first case, whereas in the second example, we found both the quotient and the remainder. The remainder is determined using the modulo operation (%). In both examples, we use the “scan()” function to obtain the user’s input values before dividing two numbers. With these two examples, you can perform division operations in C programming with ease.

About the author

Saeed Raza

Hello geeks! I am here to guide you about your tech-related issues. My expertise revolves around Linux, Databases & Programming. Additionally, I am practicing law in Pakistan. Cheers to all of you.