The Nginx extras contain a massive library of dynamic NGINX module RPM packages. It enables you to extend NGINX’s base capabilities from a simple webserver to a modern application stack by incorporating the following techniques:
- Modern technology Brotli compression
- Etag support
- Enable ModSecurity and automatic security headers
- Increase page speed
- Support Lua scripting and many more.
We will demonstrate in this article how to install the Nginx extra package on the Ubuntu system. We will do all the installation on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS distribution.
Installing Nginx-Extras in Ubuntu
Nginx-extra module can be easily installed on Ubuntu by using the following steps:
Step 1: Update Packages Repository
It is recommended that before installing any new package on Ubuntu, you update first the apt packages repository by using the following command:
Step 2: Install Nginx-Extras
Install the Nginx-extra module by running the following command:
After running the above command, a list of packages will be display on the terminal that are installed already on your system.
You will be prompted to install some new Nginx packages now. Confirm the installation by pressing ‘y’ and then hit ‘Enter’.
Step 3: Display Package information
Once the all packages are installed on your system, display the installed Nginx-extras module details by executing the following command:
The following output will show on the terminal screen:
Uninstall / Remove Nginx-extras from Ubuntu
In most cases, you need to uninstall packages from your system. So, if you want to uninstall Nginx-extras from Ubuntu, use the following commands:
That is on installation of Nginx-extras. Nginx-extras contains the largest pre-build dynamic Nginx packages on the internet that are available in a single repository. If you want to explore more about Nginx, you can see the Nginx packages by visiting its official Nginx website.