
How to Install MongoDB on Ubuntu

The customizable, document-based data model of MongoDB makes it a well-liked open-source database. It offers a scalable and effective method for handling the massive amounts of data across various applications. MongoDB’s dynamic schema enables a simple and seamless data integration, allowing the businesses to adjust to changing needs easily.

MongoDB’s powerful querying capabilities and horizontal scaling make it a top choice for modern, data-intensive applications. It makes the development more accessible and provides powerful data management tools.

You will learn how to install and configure MongoDB on Ubuntu in this post. We’ll go over the installation procedures and access security for MongoDB.


Before we proceed, make sure that you installed Ubuntu 22.04 or the most recent edition with sudo privileges. Additionally, use the following command to verify that your system is up-to-date:

The “update” command refreshes the local catalog of available software packages.

$ sudo apt update


This command refreshes and updates all the software packages on the machine. GnuPG is a free, open-source software suite that encrypts and signs your data, protecting your privacy and authenticity.

$ sudo apt install gnupg2


MongoDB Installation in Ubuntu

MongoDB installation on Ubuntu is a simple process. Either the Ubuntu package manager can be used to install it, or you can download it straight from the MongoDB website.

The official MongoDB PPA will be installed and configured on your Ubuntu system using the following steps:

Step 1: Import the GPG Key for MongoDB

The public GPG key for MongoDB must first be imported from MongoDB.

$ wget -qO - https://www.mongodb.org/static/pgp/server-6.0.asc | sudo apt-key add -


The action should result in an “OK” status.

This command imports the GPG key which is used to verify the authenticity of the repository’s packages.

Step 2: Create a MongoDB List File

Now, let’s create the list file for our version of Ubuntu at “/etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list”.

Select the proper tab for your Ubuntu version. If you’re unsure of what version of Ubuntu is installed on the host, the following command helps you to verify it:

$ lsb_release -dc


For example, the following procedure is to install MongoDB in Ubuntu 22.04.

Create the list file on your Ubuntu system:

$ echo "deb [ arch=amd64,arm64 ] https://repo.mongodb.org/apt/ubuntu focal/mongodb-org/6.0 multiverse" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-6.0.list


The system’s list of repositories will be expanded by this command to include the MongoDB repository.

Step 3: Update the Software Package List

We reload the locally installed packages using the following terminal command:

$ sudo apt update


This command updates the system’s package list to include the MongoDB packages.

Step 4: Install the MongoDB Package

You can install any version of MongoDB. But for now, we install the most recent stable version. The most recent stable version should be installed through the following command:

$ sudo apt-get install -y mongodb-org


Although you can pick any currently available MongoDB version, the “apt-get” command automatically upgrades the packages if a newer version is released.

Alternative Method:

You can download MongoDB directly from your web browser if the previous method doesn’t work.

  1. Open your browser and visit https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community.
  2. From the “Community server” download page, select the MongoDB version to download and press the download button.

  1. Open your Linux terminal. Then, open the directory in which your download file is located.
  2. Execute your downloaded MongoDB file using this command:
$ sudo dpkg –i mongodb-org-server_6.0.10_amd64.deb

Step 5: Activate the MongoDB Service

Now that MongoDB has been installed on our Ubuntu operating system, you must start the MongoDB service. The MongoDB server can be launched using the following command line:

$ sudo systemctl start mongod


Next, the MongoDB database must then be authenticated. The database should only be accessible to authorized users using a “db” username and password. Anyone with server access without authentication can view and edit the database’s data.

Setting a Password to Protect MongoDB

To access the database, MongoDB does not, by default, request a password. To protect the database and stop an unwanted access, it is suggested that a password is specified.

To set a password for MongoDB, follow the given steps:

Step 1: Download the MongoDB Shell (If Not Installed)

1.Download the MongoDB shell by visiting “https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/shell”.

Step 2: Install the Downloaded Package

$ sudo dpkg –i mongodb-mongosh_2.0.1_amd64.deb

Step 3: Establish a Connection to the MongoDB Shell

$ mongosh

This command allows us to access the MongoDB shell and connect with the database.

$ use admin

This command switches the users to the admin database which allows us to manage the users and roles.

Change “Admin” and “password” to your new, preferred username and password. The “root” role will be assigned to a new user that is created by this command in the “admin” database. All database functions and resources are fully accessible to the root role.

Step 4: Close the MongoDB Shell

Enabling an Authentication

MongoDB doesn’t require any authentication to access the database by default. Enabling an authentication is advised to protect the database and prevent an unauthorized access.

Follow the given steps for MongoDB to support the authentication:

Step 1: Modify the MongoDB config file.

$ sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf


With this command, the Nano text editor will open the “config” file.

Step 2: Insert the following line in the configuration file’s security section.

Users must input their username and password to access the database after enabling the MongoDB authentication. Save your work and then exit the editor.

Step 3: Restart MongoDB.

$ sudo systemctl restart mongod

The MongoDB service will be restarted, and the configuration is updated.

Restricting IPs to Access MongoDB

Any IP address may connect to MongoDB by default. To increase its security, it is suggested that the access to the database be limited to a set of IP addresses or ranges.

Use these steps to limit the access to MongoDB:

Step 1: Make changes to the Config file.

$ sudo nano /etc/mongod.conf

With this command, the GNU Nano opens the MongoDB’s config file.

Step 2: Change or add the allowed IP addresses. By doing this, only the IP addresses or IP ranges that are listed can access the database. Once you save your alterations or changes, exit the editor.

Step 3: Restart MongoDB.

$ sudo systemctl restart mongod


This article explained how to install and secure MongoDB on Ubuntu 22.04. It discussed about installing MongoDB, choosing a password, turning the authentication on, and limiting the access to particular IP addresses or ranges. We hope that this post has helped you learn how to secure your MongoDB installation and restrict the access to the authorized users only.

About the author

Omar Farooq

Hello Readers, I am Omar and I have been writing technical articles from last decade. You can check out my writing pieces.