Arch Linux

How to Install Flask for Arch Linux

Flask is a python-based backend framework that acts as a key ingredient to developing python-based web applications. Flask is a lightweight framework equipped with a built-in development server and efficient debugging support.

Although Flask falls under the category of microframeworks, however, various libraries and tools can be added to Flask that make it suitable for complex projects as well.

In recent computing advancements, users have shown interest in Linux-based systems. In today’s guide, we will show you how Flask can be installed on Arch Linux.


Before digging into details, you must have Python installed on your Arch Linux. The command provided here may be exercised to install Python (if you have not installed yet).

$ sudo pacman -S python

Ensure that the installed version of Python is either 3 or greater than 3.

$ python --version

Moreover, you must install the python virtual environment module as well to create and use the python virtual environment. To do so, use the following command:

$ sudo pacman -S python-virualenv

Additionally, you may require installing pip as well by issuing the command stated below:

$ sudo pacman -S python-pip

How to install Flask for Arch Linux

This section enlists various steps that are carried out for installation of Flask.

Step 1: Create a new directory where the virtual environment will be created.

$ mkdir flaskpro
$ cd flaskpro

Step 2: Now, create a virtual environment with the help of venv (its installation is shown in the Prerequisites section). The command written here will create a virtual environment named “flaskenv” inside the directory “flaskpro”.

$ sudo python -m venv flaskenv

To verify the creation, execute the “ls” command and you will observe that the “flaskenv” has been created.

Step 3: Activate the virtual environment by issuing the command written below.

$ source flaskenv/bin/activate

The output states that you are currently inside the virtual environment named “flaskenv”.

Step 4: Now, you are all set to install Flask inside the virtual environment via the command stated-below:

$ sudo pip install flask

Here you go! Now you can develop web-based apps by using Python.

To check whether the flask is installed or not, you may check the version via the command mentioned below:

$ flask --version

The output prints the version of Flask.

Moreover, to get out of the virtual environment, just write “deactivate” inside the virtual environment:

$ deactivate

As the command execution is successful, the session of the virtual environment named “flaskenv” will be terminated as it is observed in the output as well.


The Flask framework allows you to create web-based applications using python. Inside a python environment, one can install Flask to work on back-end coding of the web applications. This article briefly demonstrates how the Flask framework can be installed for Arch Linux. Apart from this, you would also learn to create and activate a virtual environment for using the flask environment on Arch Linux.

About the author

Adnan Shabbir