How to Install AWS SDK in Node.js

AWS SDK” is assistive for developers for creating and deploying applications in JavaScript. It is such that it provides TypeScript support and makes it convenient to invoke the AWS services utilizing JavaScript APIs to build Node.js, web, and mobile applications. Moreover, “SDKs” contain everything needed to develop and execute software in a single place.

Contents Overview

What is AWS SDK and How Does it Work?

AWS SDK” for JavaScript provides a set of libraries that simplify the usage of AWS services that are familiar to JS programmers. Also, it supports API lifecycle such as credential management, serialization, deserialization, etc. In addition to that, it is compatible with the high-level abstractions for streamlining development.

What Runtimes Does the “AWS SDK for JavaScript” Support?

The “AWS SDK for JavaScript” is compatible with the following runtimes:

  • Node.js for server.
  • JavaScript for browser.
  • React Native for mobile development.
  • Cross Runtime.

Prerequisites for Installing AWS SDK in Node.js

Below are the prerequisites that need to be considered before installing AWS SDK in Node.js:

  • Installed Node.js on the system.
  • Access to AWS credentials.

How to Install AWS SDK in Node.js?

To install “AWS SDK” in Node.js, apply the following steps:

Step 1: Setup the Project

Before proceeding to install AWS SDK in Node.js, execute the following cmdlet to set up/initialize the project:

npm init -y

In the above command, the “-y” i.e., “yes” flag opts for all the options with the default npm values.

Step 2: Install “AWS SDK”

Now, install “AWS SDK” for JavaScript in the project via the following command:

npm install aws-sdk

This cmdlet installs SDK for JavaScript and updates the “package.json” file to list the SDK as a project dependency.

Step 3: Install the “uuid” Package

Now, install this package that updates the “package.json” file as well:

npm install uuid

After installing/downloading the discussed packages, the “package.json” file will look like this:

Step 4: Configure the Credentials

Now, the credentials need to be provided to AWS to make only your account and its resources accessed via SDK. For more information for fetching the account credentials, redirect to this link.

Note: The credentials file looks as follows:


aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID

aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY

Step 5: Install AWS in the System

Also, download AWS in the system and set it up via this link.

Step 6: Confirm the Installation

After the setup is completed, check if AWS is installed properly by checking the AWS version in the command prompt, as follows:

aws --version

Step 7: Install the “AWS toolkit” Extension

Also, install the following “AWS Toolkit” extension to streamline the procedure:

How to Upload Data to a Bucket Using AWS SDK?

To upload data to a bucket in the text file, consider the below-given steps:

Step 1: Write the Code

First, add the following code lines in the “index.js” file to check that the configured credentials are set accurately:

var get = require("aws-sdk");

get.config.getCredentials(function(error) {

  if (error)


  else {

    console.log("Access Key -> ", get.config.credentials.accessKeyId);



In this code:

  • Firstly, import the “aws-sdk” package and fetch the credentials via the “getCredentials()” method.
  • Also, apply the “if/else” statement to log an error if there is an issue with the set credentials.
  • Otherwise, the credentials i.e., Access Key is displayed via the “else” statement.


Execute the below-stated command to run the code and log the requested access key:

node index.js

Step 2: Create Another package.json File

After that, create a separate “package.json” file comprising the following JSON content in it:

    "dependencies": {},
    "name": "aws-nodejs-test",
    "description": "AWS SDK for JavaScript.",
    "version": "1.0.1",
    "main": "test.js",
    "devDependencies": {},
    "scripts": {
      "test": "echo "Error: no test specified" && exit 1"
    "author": "NAME",
    "license": "ISC"

Here, after installing the modules, the “dependencies” section of the file will be completed. Also, the description and the associated “js” file, etc are specified.

Step 3: Write the Node.js Code

Now, create a new “test.js” file containing the following code lines:

var get1 = require('aws-sdk');

var get2 = require('uuid');

var bucket = 'node-sdk-test-' + get2.v4();

var key = 'hello_world.txt';

var out = new get1.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'}).createBucket({Bucket: bucket}).promise();


   function(data) {

     var x = {Bucket: bucket, Key: key, Body: 'Hello World!'};

     var y = new get1.S3({apiVersion: '2006-03-01'}).putObject(x).promise();


          function(data) {

               console.log("Data Successfully Uploaded to -> " + bucket + "/" + key);



  function(error) {

    console.error(error, error.stack);


The code explanation is as follows:

  • First of all, import the “aws-sdk” and “uuid” packages.
  • After that, create a unique bucket name and specify the name for the uploaded object key named “hello_world.txt”.
  • Now, create a promise on the S3 service object and store it in the “out” variable.
  • Also, cope with the promise fulfilled rejected states in the “then()” method.
  • In the function definition, specify the parameters for the “putObject” call in the “x” variable along with the file content and create the “objectUpload” promise stored in the “y” variable.
  • Lastly, specify another function that displays the upload message on the console.
  • In the “catch” block, cope with the faced errors, if any.


Execute the code utilizing the below command:

node test.js

This success message indicates that the data has been uploaded to the bucket successfully.

Step 4: Analyze the AWS Bucket

Below is the bucket i.e., “S3(Simple Storage Service)” in which the target text file is saved:

In the below image, it can be seen that the “node-sdk-test” bucket is contained. Click on this bucket to view the object and the file content:

Here, it can be seen that the stated text file is there. Click on this file to access its content:

Step 5: Access the File Content

Now, trigger “Download” or “Open” to access/open the file content:

Upon doing so, the written file’s content will be displayed, as follows:


To install AWS SDK in Node.js, set up the project, install the “aws-sdk” and “uuid” packages, configure the credentials, install AWS in the system, create a package.json file, and write the code that uploads the data to the bucket in a text file.

About the author

Umar Hassan

I am a Front-End Web Developer. Being a technical author, I try to learn new things and adapt with them every day. I am passionate to write about evolving software tools and technologies and make it understandable for the end-user.