
How to Install AWS CLI in Zsh on Mac?

AWS CLI is an open-source robust command-line interface that allows users to interact with various AWS services. It offers a convenient way to control and automate AWS structure, making it a reliable and effective tool for developers, system administrators, and cloud experts.

If you are using Mac M1 and searching for an easy way to install AWS CLI, read this guide where you will find the step-by-step guidelines to unleash the powerful features of AWS CLI in Zsh on your Mac.

How to Install AWS CLI in Zsh on Mac?

Homebrew is an effective package manager on Mac that makes it a simple and quicker way to easily AWS CLI on Mac M1 from the following steps:

Step 1: Install Homebrew on Mac

First ensure Homebrew is installed on your Mac system, which you can check from the following command:

brew --version

You can install Homebrew on Mac M1 from here.

Step 2: Install AWS CLI from Homebrew

After ensuring Homebrew is installed on Mac, you can run the following command to install AWS CLI directly on your system.

brew install aws cli

The AWS CLI installation on Mac M1 will take some minutes since it installs different packages needed to run AWS CLI on your system.

In case, you experienced a cmake link error as shown below:

You can run the following command to fix it.

sudo chown -R $(whoami) $(brew --prefix)/*

The above command will fix the permission-related issues associated with the Homebrew package manager.

After that, re-run the installation command again.

Step 3: Confirm AWS CLI Installation

Once the system is done with AWS CLI installation on Mac, you can run the following command to check the version and ensure it is installed successfully on your system.

aws --version

How to Use AWS CLI in Zsh on Mac M1?

To use AWS CLI in Zsh on Mac, you have to create an account on the AWS website from here. Once this is done, you are good to use AWS CLI features right from your Mac terminal (zsh). You can see the guide here to learn how to configure and use AWS CLI on Mac.


AWS CLI is a command-line interface for interacting with the AWS services. You can install it on your Mac system easily from the Homebrew package manager that should be installed on your system. After completing the AWS CLI installation, you are good to configure and use it on your Mac terminal (zsh).

About the author

Awais Khan

I'm an Engineer and an academic researcher by profession. My interest for Raspberry Pi, embedded systems and blogging has brought me here to share my knowledge with others.