Linux Applications

How to Use SSH to Access a Remote Server in Linux

Secure Socket Shell (SSH) is a robust tool for accessing remote machines and servers. It establishes the connection via a cryptographic protocol, ensuring utmost privacy and security.

You can use SSH to transfer files, execute commands, remotely administer the system, troubleshoot underlying issues, and more. This tutorial is for you if you also want to learn how to use SSH to access the remote server. Here, we have listed the methods of SSH to access the remote server in Linux.

How to Use SSH to Access a Remote Server in Linux

Before starting the process, you must:

  1. Have local and remote machines with SSH utility installed.
  2. Have the SSH service enabled on the systems.

Open the Terminal and enter the command as follows:

sudo ssh user@IP_remote_server


In this command, please replace the user with the intended username and IP_remote_server with the actual IP address of the remote server you want to access. For example, we will use the below command to connect to our server:

sudo ssh user@Our_IP_Address


This will be your first time connecting to a remote device so the system may prompt you for confirmation. Type in yes and press Enter to proceed.

Next, respond to the final prompt by entering the password for the remote server. Once you appropriately enter the above details, SSH will establish the connection. Now, with access to the server, you can perform whatever tasks you want.

Access a Remote Server with a Specific Port

If the server you want to access is configured to run on any port other than the default port 22, specify the port using the ‘-p’ option while entering the ssh command. You can use the following command:

ssh -p port_num user@IP_remote_server

Here, you should replace the port_num with the port on which the remote server runs the SSH service. For instance:

ssh -p 1024 prateek@


Wrapping Up

As a system administrator, knowing the correct ways to access remote devices using SSH is important. This tutorial explains every possible method for accessing a Remote Server in Linux through SSH.

We have included a simple process for accessing the remote server without errors. Furthermore, we recommend using the commands correctly, as you may encounter errors.

About the author

Prateek Jangid