How to Create a Superuser in MySQL?

Have you ever found yourself caught up in the hustle and bustle of your daily tasks, and desired to delegate some of the database management responsibilities? As a busy professional with countless projects on your plate, you might have a database that requires your attention. But fear not! MySQL provides the ability to create a superuser that has full access to all databases and tables as the root user.

By following this step-by-step guide, you will get to know how to create a superuser in MySQL.

How to Create a Superuser in MySQL?

To create a superuser in MySQL, you can follow the given below step by step guide:

Step 1: Log in to MySQL

To create a superuser in MySQL, you need to log in to the MySQL server with the “root” user and its appropriate password as shown in the below command:

mysql -u root -p

After this command, you need to type the password as shown in the output screenshot.


The output showed that the MySQL server has been logged in.

Step 2: Create a Local User

To create a regular or local user you can simply utilize the “CREATE USER” command as provided below in the example of creating the “linuxhint” user:

CREATE USER 'linuxhint'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'l1nux';

In the above example, the password “l1nux” of the “linuxhint” user is set by using the “IDENTIFIED BY” clause.


The output displayed that the user has been created.

Step 3: Grant Privileges

To grant the root privileges, the “GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES” clause can be utilized with the name of the newly created user. The command to grant the superuser privileges to the “linuxhint” user on the “localhost” is given below:


In the above command, “*.*” means all databases and tables, so the “ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.*” means the user is granted all privileges on all databases and tables.


The output showed that the privileges have been granted.

Step 4: Reload the Grant Tables

Utilize the “FLUSH PRIVILEGES” command to reload the grant tables and store user privileges information:



The output showed that the user grant table has been reloaded.

Step 5: Confirmation

Here a new superuser has been created. To confirm if the user is a superuser or root user, you need to follow the given below command:

SELECT USER, Super_priv FROM mysql.user;


The “Y” in the “Super_priv” column verifies that the “linuxhint” user is a superuser.


In MySQL, creating a superuser involves a few straightforward steps. First, log in to MySQL as the root user and create a local user with a specified username and password, then grant all privileges on all databases and tables to the newly created user. After granting the privileges, it’s important to reload the grant tables to apply the changes. All these steps have been well explained in the above article.

About the author

Danish Ghafoor

I am a computer science graduate with a certification in cybersecurity. My passion for technology has led me to develop a deep understanding of the challenges and solutions in the field of information security. I am dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, and constantly seeking out new opportunities to expand my knowledge and skills.