
How forEach is Different From for Loop in TypeScript?

In TypeScript, the “forEach” and “for” loops are two alternative approaches for iterating through arrays or iterable objects. While both techniques loop through the items of an array, they differ in syntax and functionality. The “for” loop is a general-purpose loop that can execute any operation on each array element, but the “forEach” method was designed exclusively for iterating across arrays and executing a function for each element.

This article will demonstrate how the forEach is different from the for loop in TypeScript.

How is “forEach” Different From “for” Loop in TypeScript?

In TypeScript, “forEach” and “for” loops are two different techniques to iterate over arrays or other iterable objects. The main difference between both of these is that a “for” loop is a general-purpose loop that allows performing any operation on array elements, while “forEach” is a method that is designed specifically for iterating over arrays and executing a function for each element. Some common differences will discuss in the given table:

forEach for loop
The syntax of forEach is more concise and readable. for loops have a more complex syntax than forEach, which can make them harder to read and understand.
It is generally more performant than using a for loop, especially for larger arrays. Overall better performance but less than forEach.
forEach is designed explicitly for executing a function on each element. It can perform any operation on each element of an array.
It is less flexible than for loops. for loops are more flexible than forEach.

Before proceeding to the practical implementation, keep in mind that in order to execute a TypeScript file, it must be transpile into a JavaScript file and then run the JavaScript code on the terminal using the given commands:

tsc filename.ts
node filename.js

How Does “forEach” Work in TypeScript?

The “forEach” is a pre-built method in TypeScript that permits us to loop over an array and execute a function on each array element.

The following syntax is utilized for the forEach loop:


Create an array of odd numbers:

const oddNumbers = [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11];

Iterate the array and print the array elements on the console using the forEach method:

oddNumbers.forEach((numbers) => {



How Does “for” Loop Work in TypeScript?

A “for” loop is a standard loop. It allows for iterating through a collection of items and performing some actions/operations on each item.

The given syntax is utilized for the “for” loop:

for(initialValue, specificCondition, stepIncrement){
// loop body

Iterate the above-created array using for loop and display array elements on the console:

for (let i = 0; i < oddNumbers.length; i++) {


We have compiled all the necessary instructions relevant to the difference between forEach and for loop in TypeScript.


The “forEach” and “for” loops are two different techniques to iterate over arrays or other iterable objects. While both approaches loop through the array elements, they differ in syntax and functionality. The main difference between both of these is that a “for” loop is a general-purpose loop that allows performing any operation on array elements, while “forEach” is a method that is designed explicitly for iterating over arrays and executing a function for each element. This article demonstrated how the forEach is different from the for loop in TypeScript.

About the author

Farah Batool

I completed my master's degree in computer science. I am an academic researcher and love to learn and write about new technologies. I am passionate about writing and sharing my experience with the world.