This article explores the different methods to convert a Go interface to a string and provides the examples for each approach since Go provides multiple approaches to convert an interface to a string.
There, we use the foremost method which is the type assertion method (type casting) using the “fmt” package methods like the “Sprint” and “Sprintf” methods. Similarly, we will also perform the interface to string conversion using the “for” loop method.
Example 1: Golang Interface to String Using the “.(string)” Method
An interface can be significantly transformed into a string by employing a type assertion. The “.(string)” method can be used to turn an interface into a string. The subsequent example aids the simple conversion of the interface to string.
import "fmt"
func main() {
var MyInterface interface{}
MyInterface = "golang"
myStr := MyInterface.(string)
In order to get started, we import the “fmt” package first which offers the methods for structured I/O. Then, we declare a variable named “MyInterface” of the type “interface”. Since the interface is an empty interface, it is capable of holding any sort of value.
After that, we assign the “golang” string to the “MyInterface” variable. Next, we perform a type assertion where the value that is stored in “MyInterface” is of a type “string” and assigns it to the “myStr” variable. A runtime error occurs if the value that is stored in “MyInterface” is not of a type “string”. Finally, we output the value of “myStr” using the Println call from the “fmt” package.
The output represents the “golang” since “myStr” contains the string value that is asserted from “MyInterface”:
Example 2: Golang Interface to String Using the Iteration Method via the “For” Loop
However, we can also build an empty slice as the length of the interface and then use a “for” loop to transform each value into a string. With the help of the subsequent source code, this will be more obvious.
import (
func main() {
NewInterface := []interface{}{
1, 2.5, 9.82,
[]int{6, 7},
struct{ A, B int }{8, 9},
fmt.Printf("Original Type: %T\n", NewInterface)
emp_slice := make([]string, len(NewInterface))
for i, v := range NewInterface {
emp_slice[i] = fmt.Sprint(v)
fmt.Printf("Type: %T\n", emp_slice)
fmt.Printf("%q\n", emp_slice)
Here, a slice called “NewInterface” is declared and initialized with multiple values of different types. We include the types which are a string (“golang”), an integer (1), a floating-point number (2.5), another floating-point number (9.82), a slice of integers ([]int{6, 7}), and a struct with integer fields (struct{ A, B int }{8, 9}). The “NewInterface” slice can hold the values of any type since it is defined as a slice of empty interfaces ([]interface{}). The “%T” format specifier is used with fmt.Printf() to print the type of the “NewInterface” variable.
Next, we set up a new slice emp_slice using the make() function. It is created with a length that is equal to the length of “NewInterface”. We employ the for-range loop to iterate over the element of the “NewInterface”. Inside the loop, we set the fmt.Sprint() function to convert each “v” element to its string representation which is then assigned to the corresponding index of emp_slice. Note that the “%T” format specifier is used within the fmt.Printf() function to print the type of emp_slice. Additionally, the “%q” format specifier is used to print the slice elements in quoted form.
The heterogeneous type values inside the provided interface are now converted into the string in the following output:
Example 3: Golang Interface to String Using the Sprint() Method
Furthermore, we have other methods of converting the values of different types that are stored in an interface slice to strings. The method uses “Sprint” to convert each value individually. The fmt.Sprint() method is another way to format a string using the placeholders and values. By passing the interface to fmt.Sprintf() and using the “%v” placeholder, we can transform the interface to a string. The following example demonstrates this function well:
import "fmt"
var testVal = []interface{}{
[]int{0, 2, 4, 6, 8},
struct {
X string
Y int
X: "X",
Y: 10,
func main() {
fmt.Println("Method 1")
for _, v := range testVal {
StrVal := fmt.Sprint(v)
Here, we establish a variable named “testVal” as a slice of empty interfaces ([]interface{}). This slice contains the values of different types such as string, integer, float, slice, and struct. The purpose is to demonstrate the conversion of these values to strings. We then define the main() function where the “for” loop range is called to iterate over each element in the “testVal” slice using the “range” keyword. The loop variable of “v” represents the current element that is being iterated.
After that, we convert the current element of “v” to a string using the Sprint() function from the “fmt” package. The “Sprint” function converts any value to its string representation.
The string representation of the specified interface is displayed in the following output:
Example 4: Golang Interface to String Using the Sprintf() Method
Although an interface in Go can be turned into a string using the fmt.Sprintf() function, we can do so by formatting the interface value with a “%v” placeholder. There’s a source code that is defined for that function.
import "fmt"
func main() {
var I1 interface{} = "testing"
resultStr := fmt.Sprintf("%v", I1)
var I2 interface{} = []int{5, 15, 25, 30, 35}
resultStr1 := fmt.Sprintf("%v", I2)
Here, an “I1” variable is declared as an empty interface type (interface{}). The “I1” interface is assigned with the “testing” string value. The fmt.Sprintf() function is then used to convert the value of “I1” to a string. The default format is to be utilized according to the format specifier of “%v” inside the function. In the “resultStr” variable, the outcome string is kept. Then, we create the variable again which is named “I2” as an empty interface type. This time, we assign a slice of integers ([]int{5, 15, 25, 30, 35}). The fmt.Sprintf() function is used again to convert the value of “I2” to a string representation.
The output displays the transformation of the string representation of the value which is inside the interface:
Converting the interfaces to strings is a common requirement when working with a dynamic and flexible code in Go. We explored the multiple approaches to achieve the interface to string conversion which includes the type assertion and “for” loop iteration. Moreover, the “Sprint” and “Sprintf” method were also used to accomplish this conversion. By understanding these methods and their appropriate use cases, we can effectively convert the Go interfaces to strings as needed.