
What is the “.gitattributes” File in Git

The “.gitattributes” file in Git is used to specify attributes for pathnames in a Git repository. It allows Git users to control how Git treats certain files, including how they are handled during operations, such as merging, and line-ending normalization.

This tutorial will explain:

What is the “.gitattributes” File in Git?

The “.gitattributes” is a configuration file allowing users to specify attributes for pathnames and files within a repository. It provides an efficient procedure for controlling how Git handles certain files, such as setting different line endings, specifying merge strategies, and defining attributes for language-specific files.

Multiple options can be used to generate and modify the “.gitattribute” file in Git. Some of them are listed below:

  • text=auto”: It is a default option that is used for handling the files in each possible way.
  • text eol=lf”: It is always utilized for converting the line endings to LF on checkout and is effective for those specific files that must have LF endings, even on Windows.
  • text eol=crlf”: It is used for modifying line endings to CRLF on checkout and efficiently works for those particular files that must store CRLF endings, even on OSX or Linux.
  • binary”: The binary setting determines an alias for -text -diff. Using this option, Git will understand that the specified files are not in the text, so it will not try to modify them.

How does the “.gitattributes” File Configure Handle Line Endings?

To configure Git to handle line endings using the “.gitattributes” file, try out the below-mentioned instructions:

  • Redirect to the Git local directory.
  • Generate a file using the “echo” command along with the “text=auto” option.
  • Add the file in the tracking area and commit changes.
  • Then, modify the content of the file with the “text eol=crlf” option and verify it.
  • Next, add and commit changes.
  • Verify the modification by running the “ls -a” command.

Step 1: Go to Git Local Directory

Initially, set up the path of your preferred repository with the “cd” command and move to it:

cd "C:\Users\user\Git\testdemo1"

Step 2: Check Working Area

Utilize the “git status” command for viewing the current status of the working repository:

git status

The below-stated output shows that there is nothing to commit in the working area:

Step 3: Generate and Edit File

Execute the “echo” command to make a new file and insert data simultaneously:

echo "* text=auto" >.gitattributes

Step 4: Check Generated File

Verify the generated file by using the below-provided command:

git status

It can be noticed that the “.gitattributes” file has been generated and exists in the Git working directory:

Step 5: Track File

Add the created file in the stated staging area the using “git add .” command:

git add .

As you can see, the warning has been prompted on the console. According to it, in the available working copy of the “.gitattributes” file, LF will be replaced by CRLF:

Step 6: Verify the Tracked File

Check the status of the Git repository for verification purposes whether the file has been tracked from the working area or not:

git status

The resultant image shows that the file has been tracked successfully:

Step 7: Commit Changes

Execute the “git commit” command to commit all the changes. Also, use the “-m” option to specify the commit message:

git commit -m ".gitattributes file created"

Step 8: Modify the File

To modify the “.gitattributes” file, use the “echo” command along with the “* text eol=crlf” option:

echo "* text eol=crlf" >.gitattributes

Note: You can use your preferred option instead of “* text eol=crlf” according to your requirements.

Step 9: View Git Status

After that, run the provided command to check the current state of the modified file:

git status

The below-stated output indicates that the file has been modified and exists in the Git working area:

Step 10: Track Modified File

Next, use the “git add” command along with the “–renormalize .” option to add the “.gitattributes” file:

git add --renormalize .

Step 11: View Tracked File

Check the current working status by running the “git status” command:

git status

As you can see, the modified file has been tracked successfully:

Step 12: Commit Changes

Now, commit the added changes by using the “git commit” command and specify the commit message with the help of the “-m” option:

git commit -m "Normalize all the line endings"

It can be noticed that all the changes have been committed successfully:

Step 13: Verification

Verify the “.gitattributes” file by running the “ls -a” command. It will list all files including hidden files of the stated Git directory:

ls -a

That’s all about the “.gitattribute” file in Git.


The “.gitattributes” file in Git is a configuration file that will allow the users to specify attributes for paths and files within a repository. To configure Git to handle line endings using the “.gitattributes” file, generate a file. Then, add the file in the tracking area and commit changes. After that, modify the existing option with the “text eol=crlf” and verify the modifications. Add and commit changes. Then, verify the “.gitattributes” file in the Git directory. That’s all about the “.gitattribute” file in Git.

About the author

Hafsa Javed