
Git Merge hotfix Branch Into feature Branch

Git has multiple branches which allow users to diverge from the production version of the code to fix errors and bugs or add new features to it. More specifically, Git users can generate new branches to work with the duplicate copy of the project’s code without changing the existing version. Additionally, they can merge branches with each other or share their content.

This post will provide the procedure to merge the hotfix branch into the feature branch.

How to Git Merge hotfix Branch Into feature Branch?

To merge the hotfix branch into the feature branch, a user needs to perform the following steps:

  • Navigate to the Git directory.
  • Create and add a new text file to the staging index. Then, commit changes to the repository.
  • Create and switch to the “feature2” local branch.
  • Create and add the file to the staging index in the new branch.
  • Commit all changes to the Git local repository and switch back to the Git main working branch.
  • Create and switch to the “hotfix” branch, perform the needed task and commit changes to the repository.
  • Execute the “$ git merge –no-ff <branch-name>” command.
  • Switch back to the feature2 branch and check the reference log history.

Step 1: Move to Git Directory

Use the “cd” command to navigate to the Git directory:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git"

Step 2: Generate a New Text File

Now, make a new text file in the Git directory through the below-stated command:

$ touch file1.txt

Step 3: Add File Into Staging Area

After creating a file, track it to the staging area by running the provided command:

$ git add file1.txt

Step 4: Update Git Directory

To commit the changes to the repository, run the “git commit” command:

$ git commit -a -m "First commit"

In the above-stated command:

  • git commit” command is used for committing the changes to the directory.
  • -a” option, also known as “–all”, is used to add all the keep and commit all the made changes.
  • -m” option is used for adding the commit message into the directory.

Step 5: Make and Switch Local Branch

To create and switch to a new local branch immediately, execute the “git checkout” command:

$ git checkout -b feature2

As you can the “-b” option in the above-provided command that is known as the “branch” is utilized for creating a new branch:

Step 6: Update File

Next, update the required text file:

$ echo "My second file" > file2.txt

In the above command, the “echo” command will first check if the particular file exists or not. If it exists, the added text will be appended to it. On the other hand, if files are not placed in the Git directory, it will create and then update them:

Step 7: Track File Into Staging Area

To move the file into the staging index from the working directory, run the git add .“ command:

$ git add file2.txt

Step 8: Commit Changes

Now, add the changes from the staging area to the Git repository:

$ git commit -a -m "commit for file2.txt"

The above-executed command contains:

  • -a” or “–all” option keeps all the added changes.
  • -m” option indicates the commit message.

Step 9: Switch Branch

After modifications in the newly created branch, switch back to the previous main branch through the “git switch” command:

$ git checkout master

Step 10: Create hotfix Branch

Next, create a new branch named “hotfix” by utilizing the “git branch” command:

$ git branch hotfix

Step 11: Checkout to New Local Branch

Execute the below-given command to switch from one branch to another:

$ git checkout hotfix

Step 12: Create and Update New Text File

Then, create and update the file using the “echo” command:

$ echo "merged file" > file3.txt

Step 13: Add Changes to Staging Index

Run the “git add” command to add the newly created file into the Git directory:

$ git add file3.txt

Step 14: Commit Changes

Use the “git commit” command to commit changes along with the commit message:

$ git commit -a -m "commit for merged file3.txt"

Step 15: Switch Back to Main Working Branch

Switch back to the Git main working branch “master” by executing the following command:

$ git checkout master

Step 16: Merge Branches

To merge branches, execute the “git merge” command along with the “–no-ff” options:

$ git merge --no-ff hotfix

Here, the “–no-ff” option is used not to perform fast-forward operation with the merging process. As a result, a text file will open with the default text editor and ask you to add a comment. So, add, save commit, and close the file:

After adding the comment, the output will somehow look like this:

Step 17: Switch to feature2 Branch

Upon doing so, switch the branch to “feature2” using the “git checkout” command:

$ git checkout feature2

Step 18: Check Git Directory Reference Log History

Lastly, check the Git directory reference log history:

$ git log .

The below output shows that the specified branches are merged successfully and contain the same content:

That’s all! We have explained merging the hotfix branch into the feature branch.


To merge the hotfix branch into the feature branch, first, move to the Git directory. Create and add a new file, then commit changes to the repository. Next, create and switch to the “feature2” local branch, create and add the file to the staging index in the new branch. Commit all changes to the Git local repository and switch back to the main branch. After that, switch to the “hotfix” branch, perform the desired task and commit changes to the repository. Finally, run the “$ git merge –no-ff <branch-name>” command. This post described merging the hotfix branch into the feature branch.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.