
Git add, commit and push Commands in One

Git is the tracking development tool for managing large projects based on teamwork. Users can perform several operations and then share the changes on the GitHub hosting service for other project members. Git commits and Git push have become a routine for their users. Moreover, they can perform different tasks at once, such as tracking newly added files, committing changes, and pushing them to the remote repository.

This guide will provide the procedure to simultaneously add, commit, and push.

How to Execute Git add, commit and push Commands at Once?

To perform multiple operations at once, such as Git add, commit, and push, first, navigate to the Git repository, generate a new text file and run the “$ git commit -am “<commit-message>” && git push” command. Next, view the repository’s current status and check the list of content of the current repository to verify the presence of the added text file.

Let’s practically perform the above-stated instructions and view the outcome!

Step 1: Move to Git Repository

First, execute the “cd” command to move to the Git local repository:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\Test_5"

Step 2: Make New Text File

Then, generate a new text file using the “touch” command:

$ touch file1.txt

Step 3: Git Add, Commit and Push

Now, run the below-stated command to perform multiple operations, such as add, commit, and push at once:

$ git commit -am "1 file added" && git push

Here, the “-am” option of the “commit” command will add and commit the message and after that, the “git push” command will push the commit.

Step 4: Check Git Repository Log Reference

To ensure the previously performed multiple operations, run the “git log” command:

$ git log

According to the below-listed output, the newly generated file text is tracked and committed successfully as well as pushed into the remote repository:

Step 5: Check Repository List of Content

Lastly, run the “ls” command to view the current repository list of content:

$ ls

As you can see, the newly generated text file is placed in the current repository:

That’s it! We have provided the method to perform multiple operations, such as add, commit, and push, at once.


To perform the git add, commit, and push operation at once, first, move to the Git repository, make a new text file, and execute the “$ git commit -am “<commit-message>” && git push” command. Then, check the repository status, and lastly, view the list of content of the current repository to ensure the presence of the newly added file. This guide demonstrated the method to perform git add, commit, and push commands at once.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.