
Get-ADGroupMember: Find AD Users Fast With PowerShell

The “Get-ADGroupMember” cmdlet is used to retrieve the group members of the Active Directory group in PowerShell. These members may include computers, groups, and users. The stated cmdlet uses the “-identity” parameter to get access to the active directory group. The values like security identifier, name, or Security Account Manager (SAM) are used to identify a group.

This post will provide the details about the “Get-ADGroupMember” cmdlet.

Get-ADGroupMember: Find AD Users Fast With PowerShell

The stated command “Get-ADGroupMember” in PowerShell is used to get the members of the Active Directory group.

Examples related to the stated command are provided below!

Example 1: Utilize the Cmdlet “Get-ADGroupMember” to Retrieve the Group Members

To retrieve the members of a group, use the following command:


After executing the above command the prompt will ask you to enter a value, then write the “Administrator” value to get all the members of the group.

Example 2: Use the “Get-ADGroupMember” Cmdlet to Get the List of All Administrator’s Group Members

To get the list of all the administrator’s group members, run the below-stated command:

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity Administrators

In the above-stated code:

    • First, specify the “Get-ADGroupMember” cmdlet.
    • After that, specify the “-Identity” parameter and assign the value “Administrators” to it.

Example 3: Use the “Get-ADGroupMember” Cmdlet to Get the Members of the Group Including the Child Groups

Execute the provided command to get the members list of all the groups including the child groups:

Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Enterprise Admins" -Recursive

According to the code above:

    • First, specify the stated cmdlet.
    • Then, write the “-Identity” parameter and assign the value “Enterprise Admins”.
    • Lastly, add the “-Recursive” parameter.

That’s all! We have explained the process of finding AD users fast using the “Get-ADGroupMember” cmdlet in PowerShell.


The cmdlet “Get-ADGroupMember” retrieves the Active Directory group members in PowerShell. Moreover, the “-identity” parameters can be used to get access to the Active Directory group. This post covered the aspects of the stated cmdlet.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.