C Programming

Does C Support “foreach” Loop?

The foreach loop is a control flow statement which is a kind of for-loop structure that facilitates the traversal of iterable data collection. It accomplishes this by removing the initialization procedure.

Many programming languages support foreach loop like C#, C++11, and Java but some languages do not support it. A common question asked by many users is that “does C support foreach loop?”. In this article, we’re going to address this query.

Does C Support “foreach” Loop?

No, C does not support foreach loop. However, there are some solutions to using foreach loop in C as explained below.

Solution 1: Simulating foreach in C Using Macros

One way to simulate a foreach loop in C is using macros. The macro seems like a fragment of the code that is given a name and can be invoked using that name. When the macro is invoked, the preprocessor replaces the macro name with the corresponding code fragment.

To simulate a foreach loop using a macro, you can define a macro that takes two arguments: a loop variable and an iterable data collection. The macro can then expand to a standard for loop that iterates over the collection using the loop variable

Consider the following macro definition:

#define foreach(item, array) \

for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0]); i++) \

for (item = &array[i]; &array[i] != &array[sizeof(array) / sizeof(array[0])]; i++, item = &array[i])

The above macro takes two arguments: item, which represents the loop variable, and array, which represents the iterable data collection. The macro then expands to a nested for loop that iterates over the array using the loop variable.

To use the macro, you can simply invoke it with the loop variable and the array as arguments, as follows:

int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

int * item;

foreach(item, array) {

printf("%d\n", * item);


The above code will iterate over the array and print each element using the item loop variable. The macro will expand to a standard for loop that iterates over the array using the loop variable.

Solution 2: Simulating foreach in C Using Macro with Linked List

In a linked list, each element, also known as a node, has a value and a pointer to the next node in the list. To iterate over the elements of the linked list, you can create a loop that traverses the list by following these pointers. A foreach loop can be simulated in C for linked lists by creating a loop that iterates over each node in the list. Here’s an example of a for-each loop for a linked list in C:

#define foreach(node, list) \

for (node* n = head; n != NULL; n = n->next)

In the above code, head is a pointer to the first node in the list. The loop starts by setting the pointer n to head, and then iterates as long as n is not NULL, which means there are still nodes in the list to be processed. At each iteration of the loop, the code inside the loop is executed for the current node pointed to by n, and then n is updated to point to the next node in the list by accessing the next pointer of the current node.

This loop allows you to easily process each element in the linked list without having to manually traverse the list using pointer operations.

Solution 3: Simulating foreach in C Using Macros with Arrays

Macros can also be used with arrays to simulate foreach loop in C. The following macro can be used to simulate foreach loop in C with arrays:

#define foreach(item, array)\

for (int keep = 1, \

count = 0, \

size = sizeof(array) / sizeof * (array);\ keep && count != size;\ keep = !keep, count++)\

for (item = (array) + count; keep; keep = !keep)

The above macro takes two arguments: item and array. item indicates the present element in the loop, and array represents the array being looped over. The macro uses nested for loops to iterate over each element in the array.

The first for loop sets up variables that are used to control the loop. The second for loop iterates over each element in the array by incrementing the count variable and setting item to point to the current element.

Using this macro, you can easily simulate a foreach loop over an array in C, which can improve code readability and reduce the amount of boilerplate code required to iterate over an array.

Solution 4: Simulating foreach in C Using Pointer Arithmetic

One of the ways to create a foreach-like loop in C is by utilizing the concept of pointer arithmetic.

In the case of iterating over an array, C provides a useful property of arrays that they always end with a null element or a sentinel value. This sentinel value can be used to mark the end of the array so that we know when to stop iterating. By using pointer arithmetic, we can take advantage of this property to iterate over the elements of an array in a simple and idiomatic way.

The expression (&arr)[1] in C gives a pointer to the element after the end of the array arr. This means that the pointer (&arr)[1] points to the memory location immediately after the last element of the array. By using this pointer in a for loop, we can iterate over all the elements of the array as follows:

int array[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

for (int * p = array; p < ( & array)[1]; p++) {

printf("%d\n", * p);


In the above example, the variable p is a pointer to the first element of the array arr. The loop condition p < (&arr)[1] checks if p has reached the end of the array. Finally, the expression *p gives the value of the current element pointed to by p, which is printed to the console using printf(). This code will print all the elements of the array arr.

By using this idiomatic approach, we can create a simple and efficient foreach like loop in C for iterating over arrays.

Solution 5: Simulating foreach in C Looping with Data

In C programming, to loop through a string, you can use a for loop with a terminating condition. Since C does not have a built-in string data type, strings are usually represented as arrays of characters, terminated with a null character (‘\0’).

To loop through a string in C, you can initialize a pointer variable to point to the first character in the string, then use a for loop to iterate over the characters in the string until the terminating null character is reached.

Here’s an example of looping through a string in C:

char str[] = "Hello, world!";

char * p = str;

for (;* p != '\0'; p++) {

printf("%c", * p);


In the above example, the pointer p is initialized to point to the first character in the string str. The for loop then iterates over each character in the string by incrementing the pointer p until the null character is reached. Within the loop, the current character is printed using the %c format specifier in the printf function.

Note that a terminating null character isn’t involved in the output of the loop, since it signals the end of the string. Further, looping with data is one solution for iterating over data in C, but it is not a direct replacement for the for-each loop construct found in other programming languages


The foreach loop is a type of for-loop that allows the traversal of iterable data collections. While many programming languages allow the foreach loop, C does not support it. However, as explained above, there are several ways to simulate foreach loop in C using macros and other techniques. With these solutions, C programmers can achieve the same functionality as foreach loop in other programming languages.

About the author

Komal Batool Batool

I am passionate to research technologies and new ideas and that has brought me here to write for the LinuxHint. My major focus is to write on programming languages and computer science related topics.