
How to Build a Few-Shot Prompt Template for Chat Models in LangChain?

LangChain is used to build chat models that can interact and communicate with humans in their languages. It allows the user to build the templates for these models using prompt templates

like few-shot which can be used to train these models. The training phase is the most vital phase as the model learns most of the things in this phase and then with time improves its performance.

This post will illustrate the process of building a few-shot prompt template for chat models in LangChain.

How to Build a Few-Shot Prompt Template for Chat Models in LangChain?

To build a few-shot prompt template for chat models, simply go through the following listed steps:

Step 1: Install Modules

Start the process by installing the LangChain framework to get its dependencies and libraries for the task:

pip install langchain

Install tiktoken tokenizer for splitting the data into small chunks so the indexing process becomes easier:

pip install tiktoken

Install chromadb to create a data store for placing the data that can be used to train the prompt template:

pip install chromadb

Another module that is required is OpenAI and it can be installed using the pip command:

pip install openai

Step 2: Importing Libraries

After installing all the necessary frameworks or modules, simply import the required libraries from these modules:

from langchain.prompts import (

Some more libraries that can be used to build a few-shot prompt template are imported in this section:

from langchain.prompts import SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector
from langchain.embeddings import OpenAIEmbeddings
from langchain.vectorstores import Chroma

Step 3: Setting an Example

After that, simply set an example dataset with a simple math problem of addition:

examples = [
    {"input": "2+2", "output": "4"},
    {"input": "2+3", "output": "5"},

Step 4: Using Few-Shot Prompt Template

After that, simply use the few-shot template configured on the above example to get the answer using the data:

example_prompt = ChatPromptTemplate.from_messages(
        ("human", "{input}"),
        ("ai", "{output}"),
few_shot_prompt = FewShotChatMessagePromptTemplate(


Step 5: Using Dynamic Few Shot

Now, use another example and store the data in the vector store and apply to embed the textual data using the OpenAIEmbeddings() method:

examples = [
    {"input": "2+2", "output": "4"},
    {"input": "2+3", "output": "5"},
    {"input": "2+4", "output": "6"},
    {"input": "What did the cow say to the moon?", "output": "nothing at all"},
        "input": "Write me a poem about the moon",
        "output": "One for the moon, and one for me, who are we to talk about the moon?",

to_vectorize = [" ".join(example.values()) for example in examples]
embeddings = OpenAIEmbeddings()
vectorstore = Chroma.from_texts(to_vectorize, embeddings, metadatas=examples)

Step 6: Setting an Example Selector

After embedding the data, simply apply a semantic search using the example_selector() method:

example_selector = SemanticSimilarityExampleSelector(

example_selector.select_examples({"input": "horse"})

Step 7: Configuring Prompt Template

Configure the prompt template using the few-shot template to set the human input and AI output structure for the data:

from langchain.prompts import (

few_shot_prompt = FewShotChatMessagePromptTemplate(
        [("human", "{input}"), ("ai", "{output}")]

Step 8: Testing the Template

Simply test the few-shot on the data using the input from the dataset:

print(few_shot_prompt.format(input="What's 3+3?"))

Here is the guide that uses the few-shot prompt template and that’s all about building the few-shot prompt template for chat models in LangChain.


To build a few-shot prompt template for chat models in LangChain, simply install the necessary modules to import the libraries and dependencies from them. After that, configure the prompt template using the example dataset and extract information from that using the few-shot prompt template. This post has explained the process of building the few-shot prompt template for chat models in LangChain.

About the author

Talha Mahmood

As a technical author, I am eager to learn about writing and technology. I have a degree in computer science which gives me a deep understanding of technical concepts and the ability to communicate them to a variety of audiences effectively.