
How to Fetch a Branch From the Upstream to the Local Repo?

In Git, fetching a branch from upstream ensures that users are working with the most up-to-date version of the code. It also minimizes the chances of merge conflict which makes it easier for collaborating with other contributors. It is an important part of the Git workflow and should be done regularly to ensure the smooth functioning of a project.

This guide will demonstrate the method for fetching a branch from the upstream to the local Git repository.

How to Fetch a Branch From the Upstream to the Local Repository?

To fetch a remote branch from the upstream to the Git local repository, try out the below-given instructions:

  • Navigate to the Git local directory.
  • Open the GitHub account to copy the code of a forked repository.
  • Utilize the β€œgit remote add <remote-name> <remote-url>” command to add a remote connection.
  • Check the remote connection by executing the β€œgit remote -v” command.
  • Fetch and switch to the remote branch.
  • Pull changes by running the β€œgit pull <remote-name> <branch>” command along with the branch name.

Step 1: Redirect to the Stated Repository

First, launch the Git Bash terminal and move to your preferable repository by using the β€œcd” command:

cd "C:\Users\user\Git\demo1"

Step 2: Copy the HTTPS Link

Then, go to GitHub and sign in to your account. Then, select a forked repository to launch it on GitHub. For that purpose, navigate to the β€œYour repository> Forked repository> Code” and copy its β€œHTTPS” URL:

Step 3: Add Remote Connection

Use the β€œgit remote add” command and specified the remote name along with the copied remote URL:

git remote add upstream

Step 4: Check the Remote Connection

Next, check the added remote by executing the β€œgit remote -v” command:

git remote -v

The resultant output shows that the remote has been added successfully:

Step 5: Fetch Remote Branch

After that, run the following command to fetch the remote branch into the local Git repository:

git fetch upstream main

It can be noticed that the β€œmain” branch from the upstream has been fetched into the β€œdemo1” local repository successfully:

Step 6: Switch to Remote Branch

Switch to the fetched branch by running the β€œgit checkout” command:

git checkout --track -b main


  • β€œ–track” option is used for setting a particular branch for tracking.
  • β€œ-b” option indicates the branch.
  • β€œmain” is the particular branch that needs set up to track the current working branch.

Step 7: Pull Changes

Run the β€œgit pull” command to pull all the changes from the remote branch into the local:

git pull upstream main

According to the below-stated output, we have successfully pulled the β€œmain” remote branch data through the specified remote named β€œupstream”:

We have provided a detailed method for fetching a branch from the upstream to the local repository.


To fetch a branch from the upstream to the local repository, first, navigate to the Git local directory and open GitHub, and copy the HTTPS URL of a forked repository. Next, use the β€œgit remote add <remote-name> <remote-url>” command to add a remote URL. After that, fetch, and switch to the remote branch. Lastly, pull changes by executing the β€œgit pull” command along with the remote and specified branch name. That’s all about fetching a branch from upstream to the local repository.

About the author

Hafsa Javed