C Programming

What is EOF in the C Programming Language

The C programming language utilizes a text editor as its primary editing environment, so the C programmer needs to be familiar with the basics of how text files are stored. This includes understanding the concept of the End of File (EOF) marker.

If you don’t know about EOF, follow this article’s guidelines to learn about its use in C programming language.

What Is EOF in the C Programming Language?

EOF, also known as End-of-File, is a common term used in the C programming language. It is used to signify the end of a file or program when a certain criterion is met. The EOF marker is the indicator placed at the end of the file that informs the C program that there is nothing else following in the file, therefore the program should not attempt to read past the marker.

In C, each file read by a program is preceded by a special character known as an end-of-file character or EOF. This character provides a way for the program to recognize when it has reached the end of a file, allowing it to carry out whatever instructions it has been set to execute when the EOF character is encountered. The EOF character is usually a control character and can be represented by different symbols in different programming languages. In C, the EOF character is represented by the value -1 implying that the software will know it has reached the end of the file if it reads a character with a value of -1.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){

    printf("Value of "EOF" is: %d\n",EOF);
    return 0;

In the above code, the value of EOF is printed in the output, which is -1.


When a program reads data from a file, it uses a system library to locate a certain number of bytes in the file and then return the bytes to the program. By using an EOF character, the program can determine when the end of the file has been reached. Without an EOF character, the program would be uncertain as to how far in the file it should read before starting a new line.

#include <stdio.h>

int main(){
    FILE *fp;
    int ch;

        printf("Error in file opening...\n");
        return -1;

    printf("Contents of the file are:\n");
        printf("%c, ",ch);

    return 0;

In the above code, we are opening the ‘C_File.txt’ file which contains a string ‘Linuxhint’ with fopen() method, and then the contents of the file are printed till the end of the file is reached. The output is printed using the commas to show that all the characters are being read one by one, and the last comma shows that the file has reached its end and there are no more characters to read.


Uses of EOF

Main uses of EOF are listed as follows:

1: Debugging

EOF can also be used when debugging. During debugging, a programmer might need to enter some data into a program before it can execute. By placing an EOF character at the end of the data entered during debugging, the programmer can signal the end of the data and the program can resume execution.

2: Data Validation

EOF can be used as part of data validation. When validating a data, the program needs to compare the data entered against the data that exists in the file. Using the EOF character, the program can quickly determine the end of the file and then confirm whether the data is correct.

3: Comparing Characters

A file’s characters can be compared using EOF as well. As EOF is specified as -1, it is possible to check for the end of a file by comparing any character with a value of -1 to EOF.

4: Detecting the End of a File

EOF can be used to identify the end of a line in addition to the end of a file. For instance, a software can utilize EOF to recognize the end of each line if it takes data from a file line by line.


The EOF character is an essential condition for debugging and validating data within a program. It is essential for any program reading data from a file, as it allows the program to determine when it has reached the end of the file. Furthermore, EOF can be used when debugging and when validating data. Without EOF, some of these tasks would be significantly more difficult, if not impossible, to carry out.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.