
Easy Ways in C++ to Initialize an Array to All Zeros

In C++, an array is a collection of identically typed items that have a defined size. It offers a method to store many instances of the same data type in close proximity to one another. An array’s items are reached using an index which indicates where they are located in the array. If an array is not explicitly initialized, its elements will contain the garbage values which are unpredictable and may lead to undefined behavior when accessed.

Initializing an array to all zeros is a common operation in C++. Its zero ensures that all elements start with a known and consistent value. Zero initialization helps prevent the potential errors or bugs that are caused by uninitialized variables.

By initializing an array to zero, you can avoid an unintended behavior or incorrect calculations that could occur if the array elements are uninitialized. Overall, initializing an array to zero provides a clean starting point, ensures a predictable behavior, and helps to prevent errors and vulnerabilities in your code. It promotes good programming practices and improves code readability and maintainability.

In this explanation, we’ll explore the easy methods to achieve this initialization.

Method 1: Utilizing the {} Initializer Method

Here’s an example program that demonstrates how to initialize an array to all zeros using the {} initializer method:

#include <iostream>

int main() {

  int a[7] = {};

  for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) {

    std::cout << "a[" << i << "] = " << a[i] << std::endl;


  return 0;


The first line of the program includes the necessary header file <iostream> which provides the input and output stream functionality including the “std::cout” to print the output. The next line signifies the start of the main() function; it serves as the program’s beginning.

Inside the main() function, an integer array named a[] with a size of 7 is declared and initialized using the {} initializer method. Since no specific values are provided within the braces, all elements of the array are set to zero.

After that, each element of the array is iterated over using a “for” loop. The “i” is initialized to 0 at the beginning of the loop which runs until “i” is less than 7. The a[i] array’s associated element is accessed on each iteration using the value of the variable “i”. The array element’s value is then printed to the console using the “std::cout”. The “a[” << i << “] = ” format is used to display the index of the array element that is being printed. Finally, “std::endl” is used to insert a newline character after printing each element.

Once the loop breaks, the program executes the statement that is present right after the loop which is returned as 0. It indicates that the main() function should return an integer value of 0 which indicates a successful program execution.

The output snapshot shows the resultant array which has all the elements as 0:

Method 2: Utilizing the Std::fill() Algorithm

In C++, the std::fill() algorithm is a part of the <algorithm> library. It is used to fill a range of elements in a container with a specific value.

#include <iostream>

#include <algorithm>

int main()


  int num[3];

  std::fill(num, num + 3, 0);

  for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

  std::cout << "num[" << num << "] = " << num[i] << std::endl;


  return 0;


The program has the necessary libraries included. The <iostream> library is required for input/output operations. Whereas the #include <algorithm> directive is a preprocessor directive in C++ that includes the <algorithm> header file. This header file provides various algorithms that can be used to perform the operations on data structures like arrays, vectors, and other containers.

In the main() function, the num[] integer array, which has a size of 3, is declared. The array is not initialized at this point and contains garbage values. Then, the std::fill() algorithm is utilized. The std::fill() algorithm takes three arguments. The first two arguments specify the range to be filled which is indicated by the “num” iterator (the start of the range) and “num + 3” (the end of the range, exclusive). The third argument, which is 0, is the value that is used to fill the range. In this case, we use 0 to initialize the array elements to zero.

A “for” loop is used to cycle through each element of the array. The loop variable “i”, which was initially set to 0, rises by 1 with each iteration until it reaches 3. Within the loop, we use the “std::cout” to print the array index “i” and its corresponding value num[i] to the console.

Lastly, the main() function is concluded by the expression which is returned as 0:

When you run the previous code, the output is as follows:

Method 3: Utilizing the Memset() Function

The memset() function is part of the <cstring> library in C++. It is frequently used to assign a certain value to a segment of memory. Memset() can be utilized in the case of initializing an array to all zeros.

Here’s an example that demonstrates how to use memset() to initialize an array to all zeros:

#include <iostream>

#include <cstring>

int main() {

  int item[6];

  memset(item, 0, sizeof(item));

  for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {

  std::cout << "item[" << i << "] = " << item[i] << std::endl;


Along with the <iostream> header file, we also include the <cstring> library package in the program. When we include <cstring> in your C++ program using #include <cstring>, we gain an access to various functions and utilities for string and memory operations such as memset().

In the main() function, we declare an integer array named item[] with a size of 6. The array is not initialized at this point and contains garbage values.

The memset() function is used then to set the memory block that is represented by item[] to zero. The memset() function takes three arguments: the starting memory address (item), the value to set (0), and the size of the memory block (sizeof(item)). With this, the array’s elements are effectively initialized to 0.

After initializing the array, we iterate over the elements using a “for” loop and print their values using the “std::cout”.

The output that is produced from the previous code snippet is as follows:

This demonstrates that the array is successfully initialized to all zeros using the memset() function.


Initializing an array to all zeros is a common task in C++. Here, we discussed three methods to do this. The first method utilizes the {} initializer method. The second method involves utilizing the std::fill() algorithm. And the last method that is explained in the post utilizes the memset() function to initialize an array to all zeros. We elaborated on each step of the illustrations that are implemented in this post. Moreover, the screenshots of the produced output are also attached.

About the author

Omar Farooq

Hello Readers, I am Omar and I have been writing technical articles from last decade. You can check out my writing pieces.