C Programming

What is the Difference Between C and Embedded C?

Knowing about C and Embedded C’s difference is a given while learning C programming language. As their names suggest, they are two different languages that have the same relationship as a parent language and its extension. Knowing the distinction between C and Embedded C will help those looking to use either language to better understand their specific purposes and differences.

What is C?

C language is a general-purpose programming language widely used for writing system software for systems such as Windows, UNIX, and MacOS, it is also heavily used for modern embedded systems such as automotive and industrial applications. It is a high-level language that can be used on almost any hardware platform, and its code can easily be shared across multiple hardware architectures.

What Is Embedded C?

Embedded C is an extension of C, an integral part of the C family of languages, and a highly popular language for programming microcontrollers and embedded systems. It’s also sometimes called EC++ or C/C++ MCU (Microcontroller Unit). Embedded C is very similar to the C language in terms of syntax and usage and can be used to write very efficient programs. However, some key differences are mentioned below that set both apart.

What Is the Difference Between C and Embedded C?

The key differences between C and Embedded C are:

1: Target Applications

The primary difference between C and Embedded C is their target applications. C is used to program complex systems and applications in computers, while Embedded C is used to program firmware and other low-level systems. Embedded C is designed to fit the specific needs of small systems, such as microcontrollers, which are used for things like automation, controllers, and energy-saving systems.

2: Better Optimization

At a practical level, Embedded C allows for greater control and optimization of code due to its superiority in manipulation of hardware functions. It includes special extensions and facilities to optimize code and make it smaller, faster, and more reliable. C, on the other hand, is less specific and would require more code to write a program, as it’s more oriented towards general systems.

3: Efficient Performance

The Embedded C compiler is also developed to provide a much more efficient performance than a standard C compiler. This makes it more suitable for the need of embedded systems that must perform calculations quickly and accurately, as the code is optimized to the hardware itself. The Embedded C compiler also supports the use of hardware specific instructions, which C does not. This allows Embedded C to be built into a much smaller executable, ideal for limited memory systems, such as microcontrollers.

4: More Secure

Embedded C is also more secure than C as its code must be written with tight boundaries, often with basic security methods, such as checksums included as part of the code. This makes Embedded C secure for executing sensitive tasks on embedded devices that lack the network security of larger systems.

5: Thorough Code Development and Testing

Embedded C also focuses on safety-critical factors such as reliability, fault tolerance and error handling. This means that code written in Embedded C often requires more testing to ensure that it is up to the required level of safety compliance. As a result, Embedded C code requires a more rigorous development process and thorough testing than traditional C language code for applications intended for external use.


The difference between C and Embedded C is that C is used to develop complex software programs and applications for computers, whereas Embedded C is designed for small, low-level systems, such as microcontrollers for automation, energy-saving systems, and controllers. Embedded C provides greater control and optimization of code, more efficient performance in terms of calculations and tighter security protocols than C.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.