
How to Detect If a C++ String Is Empty

In C++ programming, managing and manipulating a text data is a fundamental aspect of software development. Strings, serving as characters’ sequences, are pivotal in managing a textual data. One common scenario that programmers often encounter is the need to determine whether a C++ string is empty. A string that has no characters in it is called an empty string. Fortunately, C++ offers straightforward methods within its standard library to ascertain the emptiness of a string. This article explores the methods and techniques that are used to detect whether a C++ string is empty, providing a foundation for handling and validating the string data in your programs.

Method 1: Using the Empty() Member Function

One straightforward and built-in approach in C++ to determine whether a string is empty involves utilizing the “empty()” member function. The “empty()” function is part of the standard C++ string class and provides a convenient way to check if a string has no characters.

Here’s a simple example that illustrates the usage of the empty() function:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    string emptyStr;
    if (emptyStr.empty()) {
        cout << "The string is empty." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "The string is not empty." << endl;

    return 0;

In this C++ code snippet, we commence by including the necessary header files, such as <iostream> and <string>, to facilitate the input and output operations and work with strings, respectively. Inside the “main()” function, we declare a string variable named “emptyStr”. This string is initially empty, without any character. Then, we employ the “empty()” member function provided by the C++ “string” class. As the name implies, the “empty()” function checks whether the string that it is called on is empty or not.

In our case, we invoke this function on the “emptyStr” string. Following this, we use a conditional statement to evaluate the Boolean result that is returned by the “empty()” function. If the string is indeed empty, our program outputs a message which indicates that the string is empty. On the other hand, if the string contains characters, the program outputs a message which states that the string is not empty.

The output of the provided C++ code is as follows:

Method 2: Using the Size() Member Function

Another approach to detect whether a C++ string is empty involves utilizing the “size()” member function provided by the “string” class. Unlike the “empty()” function that directly returns a Boolean that indicates emptiness, “size()” returns the number of characters that are present in the string. To check for emptiness, we compare the result of “size()” with zero since an empty string has a zero size.

Here’s an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {

  string myEmptyString;

    if (myEmptyString.size() == 0) {
        cout << "The provided string is empty." << endl;
    } else {
        cout << "The provided string is not empty." << endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we start by declaring a string variable named “myEmptyString” without initializing it, leaving it empty by default. Moving forward, we invoke the “size()” function to determine the size or the number of characters in the “myEmptyString” string. The “if” statement evaluates whether the size equals zero which indicates that the string is empty. If this condition is met, we output a message to the console which states that the provided string is empty. Conversely, if the size is non-zero, the control flow shifts to the “else” block and a different message is displayed which confirms that the provided string is not empty.

Method 3: Using a Comparison with an Empty String Literal

An additional technique to determine whether a C++ string is empty involves a direct comparison with an empty string literal. An empty string literal is represented by a pair of double quotation marks with no characters between them like “”. We can ascertain whether the string contains any character by comparing a given string with this empty string literal.

Here’s an example that illustrates this approach:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
int main()
    string username;

    cout <> username;

    if (username == "")
       cout << "Error: The username cannot be empty." << endl;
        cout << "Hello, " << username << "! Welcome to our platform." << endl;

    return 0;

In this case, we launch an application that asks the user to provide their username. The program begins by declaring a string variable named “username” to store the user's input. Subsequently, the user is prompted with the "Enter your username:" message, and their input is captured using the “cin” stream. The program then employs a conditional statement to check whether the entered username is empty which is achieved by directly comparing it with an empty string literal using the equality operator (==). If the username is found to be empty, the program outputs an error message which states, "Error: The username cannot be empty". However, if the username is non-empty, the program displays a personalized welcome message that incorporates the entered username with the "Hello, [username]! Welcome to our platform" greeting.

Here is the output where we did not provide any username:

The output when provided a username is as follows:

Method 4: Using a Ternary Operator

The ternary operator concisely expresses a conditional statement in a single line which makes the code more compact. The ternary operator returns one of two values after assessing the condition to see if the string is empty. In this case, we can use the “empty()” member function to check for emptiness and employ the ternary operator to assign a corresponding message.

Here’s an illustrative example:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    string sampleString = "Hello, World!";

    cout << "The string is " << (sampleString.empty() ? "empty." : "not empty.") << endl;

    return 0;

We then declare a string variable named “sampleString” and initialize it with the "Hello, World!" content. We utilize a ternary operator within the “cout” statement to determine whether the string is empty. The ternary operator evaluates the “sampleString.empty()” condition, checking if the string is empty, and prints the corresponding "The string is empty" message if the condition is true, and "The string is not empty" if the condition is false. The program ends by returning 0 which denotes a successful run. The execution of this program generates the following output:


Detecting whether a C++ string is empty is fundamental to string manipulation and processing. In this article, we explored the several methods, each with its advantages. The “empty()” member function is the most direct and commonly used function which clearly indicates a string’s emptiness. Using “size()” offers an alternative approach by checking the length of the string. Comparison with an empty string literal is straightforward and intuitive, while ternary operators provide flexibility in integrating the check into a more complex logic. The particular needs of the program must be taken into consideration while selecting the right approach.

About the author

Kalsoom Bibi

Hello, I am a freelance writer and usually write for Linux and other technology related content