How to Delete AWS Account

There is always a purpose behind deleting an AWS account. The person who created it may not find the account useful anymore, want to create a new one or have any other reason. No matter what purpose leads to the decision to delete an AWS account, some points should always be considered before deleting.

Points to Consider Before Deleting

  • If there are some services or EC2 instances running on the account, stop them first.
  • To check if some services are left unchecked, check the billing dashboard to confirm the deletion of each service. Running services even after closing the account can lead to incurring charges.
  • Backup useful data from the account.

Process of Deletion

The AWS account can easily be deleted within seconds. To delete the AWS account conveniently, simply follow the below-given steps:

Log in

To close the account permanently, first log in to the account. For that, click on the “Log back in” option after opening the website of the AWS console.

Use the “Root User” account to sign in if you want to close the account permanently.

Deleting the Account

On the dashboard after signing in to the account, click on the “Account” option.

Agree to the Terms and Conditions

Scroll down to the “Close Account” area, and read all the terms and conditions before closing the account very carefully:

Click the checkboxes to make sure you agree to the terms and conditions:

Click on the “Close Account” option:

Confirm Deletion

After that, a prompt will appear for one last confirmation. Click on the “Close Account” button again to confirm.

Side Information

  • AWS account gets permanently suspended after 90 days of closing the account. This means that if the account is deleted by mistake, it can be recovered within those 90 days.
  • Once the account gets permanently deleted, the email that was used for that account cannot be used to sign up for any other AWS account in the future.


The process of deleting an AWS account is very easy, but some steps before closing the account must be taken to avoid data loss or incurring charges. The user might get into trouble after deleting without making certain changes to the account, like closing all the running services and backing up the important data. The account deletion, however, is not permanent until 90 days after closing the account. The post showed you the steps required to delete the AWS account.

About the author

Abdul Mannan

I am curious about technology and writing and exploring it is my passion. I am interested in learning new skills and improving my knowledge and I hold a bachelor's degree in computer science.