
How to Delete all Commit History in GitHub?

On Git, all the changes developers make, are stored in the Git log history. Users can view those changes whenever they want. However, sometimes, the commit history contains many unused commits that cause problems. So, it is preferable to delete the old history and keep the repository clean.

This article will explain the procedure of deleting all commit history in GitHub.

How to Delete/Remove all Commit History in GitHub?

There are different methods to delete commit history in GitHub, such as:

Method 1: Deleting Commit History Using Orphan Branch

To delete the commit history, first, switch to the local repository. Then, create a new temporary branch and navigate to it. Next, stage and commit all files in the temporary branch. After that, delete/remove the old β€œmaster” branch and rename the temporary branch to β€œmaster”. Lastly, update the GitHub branch forcefully.

Step 1: Navigate to the Local repository

First, redirect to the particular local repository using the below-listed command:

cd "C:\Git\demo_Repo

Step 2: Verify Remote Origin

Then, ensure that the local repository is linked to the remote repository:

git remote -v

It can be observed that the current local repository is linked with the β€œlinuxRepo” remote repository:

Step 3: View Commit History

Next, utilize the following command to display the commit history of the current repository:

git log --oneline

Step 4: Create and Switch to New Temporary Branch

Write out the β€œgit checkout” command along with the β€œ–orphan” option and desired new branch name to create and switch to it at once:

git checkout --orphan tem_branch

Here, β€œ–orphan” option is used to create a β€œtemp_branch” temporary branch with no history.

The below output indicates that the new branch has been created and we have switched to it:

Step 5: Stage All File

Now, run the below-stated command to add all files to the Git index:

git add -A

Step 6: Commit Changes

Then, commit modification in the temporary branch:

git commit -am "Initial commit message"

Step 7: Delete Old β€œmaster” Branch

To delete the old master branch, utilize the β€œgit branch” command with the β€œ-D” option and β€œmaster” branch name:

git branch -D master

As you can see the β€œmaster” branch has been deleted:

Step 8: Rename Temporary Branch to β€œmaster”

Now, use the given-provided command to rename the temporary branch to β€œmaster”:

git branch -m master

It can be seen that the β€œtemp_branch” has been renamed to β€œmaster”:

Step 9: Update Remote Repository

After that, push the new local changes to the remote repository and update it:

git push -f origin master

Step 10: Navigate to Remote Repository

Redirect to the cloned GitHub repository:

cd linuxRepo

Step 11: Verify Changes

Lastly, execute the provided command to verify whether the commit history of the GitHub repository has been deleted or not:

git log --oneline

It can be observed that all the old commit history of the β€œlinuxRepo” repository has been deleted successfully:

Method 2: Deleting Commit History by Deleting the .git Folder

The β€œ.git” folder has all the commit history. So, deleting the β€œ.git” folder will delete all the Git commit history. To do so, follow the provided instructions.

Step 1: Clone GitHub Repository

First, write out the below-listed command to clone the particular remote repository in the local repository:

git clone<username>/Test_Repo.git

Make sure to replace the <username> with the username of the repository owner.

Step 2: Redirect to Remote Repository

Then, use the β€œcd” command with the remote repository name and navigate to it:

cd Test_Repo

Step 3: View Commit History

Next, display the commit history of the remote repository:

git log --oneline

In the below output the commit history of the GitHub repository can be seen:

Step 4: Delete β€œ.git” Folder

Now, delete the β€œ.git” folder with the help of the below-stated command:

rm -rf .git

Step 5: Reinitialized the Repository

Use the provided command to reinitialize the repository:

git init

Step 6: Add Remote URL

Then, add the remote URL in the current repository:

git remote add origin<username>/Test_Repo.git

Make sure to replace the <username> with the username of the repository owner.

Step 7: Stage All Files

Next, add all files to the Git index:

git add -A

Step 8: Commit Changes

To commit all changes, enter the below-provided command:

git commit -am "Initial commit"

Step 9: Update Remote Branch

Lastly, push changes to the GitHub β€œmaster” branch and update it:

git push -f origin master

Step 10: Ensure Changes

To verify whether all the commit history of the GitHub repository has been deleted or not, run the following command:

git log --oneline

As you can see, all the old commit history of the GitHub repository has been deleted:

We have efficiently explained the methods of deleting all the commit history in GitHub.


Different methods can be used to delete commit history in GitHub, such as using the orphan branch or deleting the β€œ.git” folder. However, sometimes, deleting the β€œ.git” folder can cause some problems in the repository. So, it is safe to create or make an orphan branch. It will delete all the log history and keep the code in its present state. This article explained methods of deleting all commit history in GitHub.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.