
What is a C++ Decompiler

C++ language is extensively used in many areas of software development. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to edit C++ executable files, and it is almost impossible to get the original source code from produced binaries. C++ decompilers can help with that.

If you don’t know about C++ decompilers, follow this article for further guidance.

What is a C++ Decompiler

C++ decompiler is a software developed to extract the original C++ source code from the binary file which is created during decompilation. It converts a binary code into the corresponding C++ code. The decompilation process makes an effort to recover the code, or the bulk of it, if source code of a file is lost or deleted for whatever cause.

There are several C++ decompilers that you can use to perform the decompilation process. Some of them are discussed below:

1: IDA Pro

IDA Pro is a C++ decompiler that supports several platforms and operating systems. It is capable of understanding a wide variety of executable formats and can decompile code from C++ binaries. It is well-acclaimed as one of the best C++ decompilers available. The software can extract data structures and algorithms from program files and is designed to function with both 32-bit and 64-bit programs.

2: Snowman

Snowman is a free and open-source decompiler that can take C++, C, and x86-64 binaries and produce readable codes. Snowman is particularly useful for beginners who are just starting with C++ decompilation. It is simple to use and offers a solid foundation for further analysis of the file. It uses a recursive descent disassembler algorithm to reverse-engineer binary files. The software can extract control flow graphs, data structures, and functions from the machine code of an application.

3: Ghidra

Another decompiler that is worth mentioning is Ghidra. Ghidra is a framework for software reverse engineering that comes with a decompiler for several programming languages, including C++. Ghidra is supported on a variety of operating systems, including Windows, and is free and open source. Ghidra has been used by security researchers and government agencies and is used to analyze a wide range of systems and applications.

4. Boomerang

Boomerang is a C++ decompiler that can reconstruct many different types of executable files. The program runs by examining an application’s machine code and recreating the program’s original source code. Boomerang supports a wide range of operating systems and architects, which also include Windows and Linux.

5. RetDec

RetDec is another open-source decompiler that allows developers to decompile binary files into their original source code. It has a great degree of compatibility with many operating systems and architectural styles, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. RetDec is often updated, and its creators have included several tools to increase decompilation precision.

Limitations of C++ Decompilers

It’s also important to understand the C++ decompilers’ limitations. Although C++ decompilers are sometimes helpful, they are not always accurate. Certain information is lost during the compilation of a C++ binary, making it difficult to recover specific parts of the source code. Certain C++ decompilers could give results in the form of unreadable code, while others might generate the wrong code. A C++ decompiler is still a crucial tool for programmers and reverse engineers because of the possible advantages it might provide.


A C++ decompiler reverse-engineers the compilation of C++ binaries to produce the original source code. Programmers should select the best decompiler depending on the particular requirements of the project from the number of decompilers that are available, each having advantages and drawbacks. Although it has its limitations, decompilation might be helpful in learning how a certain program code worked previously.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.