Apache Spark

Convert PySpark DataFrame Into Pandas DataFrame

In Python, PySpark is a Spark module used to provide a similar kind of processing like spark using DataFrame. It provides the several methods to return the top rows from the PySpark DataFrame.

Pandas is a module used for Data Analysis. It supports three data structures – Series, DataFrame and Panel. We can convert PySpark DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame once we have PySpark DataFrame.

Let’s create PySpark DataFrame first.


#import the pyspark module
import pyspark

#import SparkSession for creating a session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

#create an app named linuxhint
spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('linuxhint').getOrCreate()

# create student data with 5 rows and 6 attributes
students =[{'rollno':'001','name':'sravan','age':23,'height':5.79,'weight':67,'address':'guntur'},
   {'rollno':'003','name':'gnanesh chowdary','age':7,'height':2.79,'weight':17, 'address':'patna'},

# create the dataframe
df = spark_app.createDataFrame( students)

# dataframe


toPandas() is a method that will convert PySpark DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame.



where dataframe is the input PySpark DataFrame.


In this example, we are converting above PySpark DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame.

#import the pyspark module
import pyspark

#import SparkSession for creating a session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

#create an app named linuxhint
spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('linuxhint').getOrCreate()

# create student data with 5 rows and 6 attributes
students =[{'rollno':'001','name':'sravan','age':23,'height':5.79,'weight':67,'address':'guntur'},
   {'rollno':'003','name':'gnanesh chowdary','age':7,'height':2.79,'weight':17, 'address':'patna'},

# create the dataframe
df = spark_app.createDataFrame( students)

#convert to pandas dataframe


We can iterate the DataFrame through iterrows() by converting PySpark to Pandas.


This method is used to iterate the columns in the given PySpark DataFrame by converting into Pandas DataFrame, It can be used with for loop and takes column names through the row iterator and index to iterate columns. Finally, it will display the rows according to the specified indices.


for index, row_iterator in dataframe.toPandas().iterrows():
     print(row_iterator[index_value], ………)


  1. dataframe is the input PySpark DataFrame.
  2. index_value is the column index position in the PySpark DataFrame.
  3. row_iterator is the iterator variable used to iterate row values in the specified column.

Example 1:

In this example, we are iterating rows from the address and height columns from the above PySpark DataFrame.

#import the pyspark module
import pyspark

#import SparkSession for creating a session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

#import the col function
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#create an app named linuxhint
spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('linuxhint').getOrCreate()

# create student data with 5 rows and 6 attributes
students =[{'rollno':'001','name':'sravan','age':23,'height':5.79,'weight':67,'address':'guntur'},
   {'rollno':'003','name':'gnanesh chowdary','age':7,'height':2.79,'weight':17, 'address':'patna'},

# create the dataframe
df = spark_app.createDataFrame( students)

#iterate address and height columns
for index, row_iterator in df.toPandas().iterrows():
    print(row_iterator[0], row_iterator[1])


guntur 23
hyd 16
patna 7
hyd 9
hyd 37

Example 2:

In this example, we are iterating rows from the address and name columns from the above PySpark DataFrame.

#import the pyspark module
import pyspark

#import SparkSession for creating a session
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

#import the col function
from pyspark.sql.functions import col

#create an app named linuxhint
spark_app = SparkSession.builder.appName('linuxhint').getOrCreate()

# create student data with 5 rows and 6 attributes
students =[{'rollno':'001','name':'sravan','age':23,'height':5.79,'weight':67,'address':'guntur'},
   {'rollno':'003','name':'gnanesh chowdary','age':7,'height':2.79,'weight':17, 'address':'patna'},

# create the dataframe
df = spark_app.createDataFrame( students)

#iterate address and name columns
for index, row_iterator in df.toPandas().iterrows():
     print(row_iterator[0], row_iterator[3])


guntur sravan
hyd ojaswi
patna gnanesh chowdary
hyd rohith
hyd sridevi


In this tutorial, we discussed converting PySpark DataFrame to Pandas DataFrame using toPandas() method and iterated the Pandas DataFrame using iterrows() method.

About the author

Gottumukkala Sravan Kumar

B tech-hon's in Information Technology; Known programming languages - Python, R , PHP MySQL; Published 500+ articles on computer science domain