
How to Connect Redis with Golang

Redis is a free and open-source in-memory database used as a cache or message broker. Redis is swift and provides reliability and scalability for applications.

This article will teach you to use Redis with the Go programming language. If you are new to Go, check our tutorial series to learn how to get started.


Setting Up Redis Server

The first step is to ensure you have Redis installed on your system. To install Redis on any Debian based distributions, run the commands:

$ sudo apt-get update

$ sudo apt-get install redis-server

Once installed, launch the terminal and start the service as:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/redis/redis-server start

The command above will start the Redis server in the background running on port 6379. You can test that the Redis server is running by executing the command:

$ redis-cli ping.

If the server is running, the command above should return:


Opt for a WSL instance and check the instructions above to run Redis on Windows.

If you are on a macOS, you can install the Redis server using Homebrew. Open the terminal and run the command:

$ brew update

$ brew install redis

The command above should update the homebrew packages and install the Redis server.

To run the server in the background, run the command:

$ brew services start redis

Installing the go Compiler

Once you have the Redis server installed and running, open your browser and navigate to the link below:


Select the installer package for your operating system and follow the installation instructions.

You can check the Golang compiler is installed by running the command:

$ go version

The command above should return the installed Go version. An example output is as shown below:

go version go1.17.8 darwin/amd64

Connecting to Redis

Once we have the Redis server and the Go compiler installed, we can build our application. Start by running the command:

$ mkdir golang_rust

$ cd golang_rust

Next, create a new go file and call it main.go

$ touch main.go

Open the file with your favorite text editor.

$ vim main.go

Now, let us add some boilerplate code to get started.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

fmt.Println("Welcome to Redis!!!")


The next step is to import the required package. For this tutorial, we will use the github.com/go-redis/redis package.

Add the import package as:

import "github.com/go-redis/redis"

The next step is to define a client that connects to the Redis instance. We can use the NewClient method from the go-redis package.

The source code is as shown below:

package main

import (





func main() {

// new redis client

client := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{

Addr: "",

Password: "",

DB: 10,


// test connection

pong, err := client.Ping().Result()

if err != nil {



// return pong if server is online



We define a new client using the NewClient method in the program above. The method takes a struct with the properties to connect to the Redis Server.

  1. Addr – This describes the address and port to the Redis server instance.
  2. Password – Password to the Redis instance. In our case, we have not set a password.
  3. DB – The database index to use for the application.

Next, test if the server is running by running a ping. We do this using the Ping() method, which returns pong and an err.

If the error is not nil, we log the error and then print the pong as a Result.

To test the application, run the program

$ go run main.go


Once you get PONG, we can proceed.

Adding Key-Value Pairs to Redis

Once we have connected to the server, we can add key-value pairs to the database at index 0.

The Redis package provides the Set method, which takes a key, value, and expiration duration.

The expiration is set to 0, meaning the key does not expire.

To add key-value pairs, we can do.

err = client.Set("username", "user100", 0).Err()

if err != nil {



The code above adds the specified username and value to the database. Note that the expiration value is set to 0, meaning no expiration.

Getting Values from Redis

We can also use the Get method to retrieve the value stored at a specified key. Example code is as shown below:

// get value

username, err := client.Get("username").Result()

if err != nil {



fmt.Println("Username: ", username)

The Get method will fetch the value associated with the key “username” and print it out here.


This tutorial covers working with the Redis database using the Go programming language. You can check the go-redis client documentation to learn more.


About the author

John Otieno

My name is John and am a fellow geek like you. I am passionate about all things computers from Hardware, Operating systems to Programming. My dream is to share my knowledge with the world and help out fellow geeks. Follow my content by subscribing to LinuxHint mailing list