
What is Compress-Archive Cmdlet in PowerShell?

Files or folders in PowerShell can be archived, zipped, or compressed by utilizing the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet. Moreover, it can also create a new archive file from scrape. PowerShell uses the “-CompressionLevel” parameter to apply compression to a file archiving a file. The higher the compression level will consume the lesser time to create a file. However, doing so will increase the file size.

In this article, we will provide information about the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet.

What is Compress-Archive Cmdlet in PowerShell?

As it is described above, the stated cmdlet is responsible for archiving single or multiple files. Let us discover the ways to compress a file into a zip file with the aid of the examples given.

Example 1: Using the “Compress-Archive” Cmdlet to Compress Two Files

Execute the code mentioned below to archive more than one file:

Compress-Archive -LiteralPath C:\Docs\Script.ps1, C:\Docs\New.csv -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Docs\File.zip


In accordance with the above code:

  • First, specify the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet along with the “-LiteralPath” parameter having a path of the two files separated by a comma.
  • Next, place a “-CompressionLevel” parameter and assign it the “Optimal” value.
  • Lastly, add the “-DestinationPath” parameter, provide the destination path and extension:

Example 2: Compress a Whole Directory to a Zip File

To compress a folder into a zip file, execute the following command:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Docs -DestinationPath C:\Docs\New_File.zip


In the above-stated code:

  • First, add the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet along with the “-Path” parameter having the specified path assigned to it.
  • Next, write the “-DestinationPath” parameter and provide the target path:

Example 3: Create a Zip File Containing Multiple Files From a Folder with the Aid of the Wildcard

To compress a complete folder containing several by placing the wildcard “*” character alongside the folder path, use the provided command:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Docs\* -CompressionLevel Fastest -DestinationPath C:\Docs\Multi.zip


Example 4: Update an Existing Zip File Using the “-Update” Parameter

Add the “-Update” parameter along with the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet to update the existing zip file:

Compress-Archive -Path C:\Docs\* -Update -DestinationPath C:\Docs\Multi.zip


That’s it! We have discussed the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet in detail.


The “Compress-Archive” cmdlet is responsible for archiving, zipping, or compressing a file or a directory in PowerShell. Compressing a file protects the file from malicious activity. This tutorial provided detail about the “Compress-Archive” cmdlet in PowerShell.

About the author

Muhammad Farhan

I am a Computer Science graduate and now a technical writer who loves to provide the easiest solutions to the most difficult problems related to Windows, Linux, and Web designing. My love for Computer Science emerges every day because of its ease in our everyday life.