
How to Compile and Install Snort from Source Code on Ubuntu

Snort, a Network Intrusion Prevention system, is a widely used network-based IDS. It is open-source and available for multiple platforms. It is most used for network monitoring, network configuration and network prevention. Although Snort is well supported on different platforms, but on Ubuntu, you won’t be able to install it from the official Ubuntu repository instead you have to build it from source code.

This article discusses the complete process of compiling and installing Snort on Ubuntu.

Compile and Install Snort from Source Code on Ubuntu

To install and compile Snort from source code on Ubuntu, follow the below-written steps:

Step 1: Update/Upgrade Repository
The first step is to update and upgrade the repository:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install Dependencies
Then install the dependencies which are required for Snort by using the below-mentioned command:

sudo apt install libdnet-dev build-essential cpputest libpcap-dev libpcre3-dev libnet1-dev zlib1g-dev luajit hwloc libdumbnet-dev bison flex libmnl-dev uuid-dev liblzma-dev openssl autotools-dev libssl-dev pkg-config libhwloc-dev cmake libsqlite3-dev  libunwind-dev libcmocka-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev libluajit-5.1-dev libfl-dev -y

Step 3: Create a Snort Directory
Then create a directory for Snort since we are installing a lot of files and to organize them it is recommended to create a separate directory for it:

mkdir ~/snort_src
cd ~/snort_src

Step 4: Downloading and Installing Snort DAQ
After changing the directory to newly created Snort directory, we have to compile the source code for Data Acquisition DAQ, it is not present in the official repository:

git clone https://github.com/snort3/libdaq.git

Then change the library to libdaq, where the downloaded DAQ is cloned:

cd libdaq

Then run below-mentioned commands to install the configuration files:


And start configuring the files using the following command:


Then run the below-mentioned command to build the executable files:


Then use the below-mentioned command to perform the installation:

sudo make install

Step 5: Downloading Performance Booster Packages
For better performance we will install Google thread-caching malloc, TCmalloc, a memory allocator and performance booster using the below-written command:

For this purpose, go back to the Snort directory using the following command:

cd ../

Then download the performance booster package from the following command:

wget https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools/releases/download/gperftools-2.9.1/gperftools-2.9.1.tar.gz

After downloading, extract the .tar file:

tar xzf gperftools-2.9.1.tar.gz

Change the directory to gperftools and install the configuration files using the below-mentioned commands:

cd gperftools-2.9.1/

Configure the file on Ubuntu using the following command:


Then run the make command to build the files:


Finally, install the packages by using the below-mentioned make command:

sudo make install

Step 6: Download and Installing Snort from Source File
Now since all the preparations to build the Snort are completed, it is time to download and install Snort in the created Snort directory created in Step 3:

For that, go back to the Snort directory using the below-written command:


Then downloads the Snort source file on Ubuntu through the following command:

wget [https://github.com/snort3/snort3/archive/refs/heads/master.zip] https://github.com/snort3/snort3/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

After downloading the Snort zip file, run the below-written command to unzip the file:

unzip master.zip

Navigate to Snort source directory using the following command:

cd snort3-master

Run the below-written command for dynamic memory management while all the files are being built:

./configure_cmake.sh --prefix=/usr/local --enable-tcmalloc

Go to build directory using the following command:

cd build

Then build files using the following command:


After building, now run the below-written command to finally install all the generated dependencies, and Snort packages on Ubuntu system.

sudo make install

Step 7: Update Shared Libraries
After installing Snort, let’s update the shared libraries by running the below-mentioned command:

sudo ldconfig

Step 8: Verifying Snort Installation
Once everything is done successfully, now run the below-written version command to verify the installation of Snort on Ubuntu system:

snort --version

Another way to test that Snort is installed and built perfectly from the source code, is to run the below-written command:

snort -c /usr/local/etc/snort/snort.lua

If your output is like as shown below then the installation of Snort is successfully completed and it is built accurately:


Snort is a great tool for network prevention but it is not present in the official repository, so the user must build and compile the snort from the source code. The complete process to download and build the snort from source code is discussed in the article. Also, we have installed a performance booster package to get better performance of snort on the Ubuntu system.

About the author

Zahra Zamir

An Electronics graduate who loves to learn and share the knowledge, my passion for my field has helped me grasp complex electronics concepts and now I am here to share them with others.