
How Can I Delete All of My Git Stashes at Once?

Developers make changes in the Git local repositories while working on Git and then push them to the remote hosting service for other project members. However, sometimes they don’t want to save changes on the spot. Therefore, they temporarily save them in the stash, which can be staged whenever required. But in some other cases, developers do not want to stage temporarily hold changes and delete all stashes. To do so, the “$ git stash clear” command can be used.

This study discusses the procedure to delete all Git stashes at once.

How Can I Remove All of My Git Stashes at Once?

To delete the list of the Git stashes at once, first, navigate to the particular repository. Create a file in the directory. Next, track the text file to the staging area and commit the changes to the repository. Then, update the file and save these changes. After that, temporarily add these changes to the stash and view the list. Finally, execute the “git stash clear” command to remove the whole stash list.

Step 1: Move to Particular Repository

First, navigate to the desired Git repository using the “cd” command:

$ cd "C:\Users\nazma\Git\Test_8"

Step 2: Create New Text File

In order to create a new text file in the repository, run the “touch” command:

$ touch file1.txt

Step 3: Add File Into Staging Area

Next, add the file to the staging area from the working directory through the following command:

$ git add file1.txt

Step 4: Commit Changes

Next, run the below-listed command to update the repository with the newly added text file:

$ git commit -m "file1.txt added"

Step 5: Update Text File

Now, open the file in the default text editor using the “start” command to update and save it:

$ start

Step 6: Stage Changes

Run the “git add .” command to add the made changes into the repository:

$ git add .

Step 7: Create Stash

After staging the added changes, execute the “git stash” command to create stash and add made changes temporarily into stash:

$ git stash

As you can see, the added changes are temporarily kept by the stash command:

Step 8: View Stash List

To show the list of changes that are temporarily kept by stash, run the “git stash list” command:

$ git stash list

Step 9: Delete Stash List

Now, execute the “git stash clear” command to delete all existing stashes:

$ git stash clear

Step 10: Verify Stash List

Lastly, to ensure if the stash list is empty, utilize the “git stash list” command:

$ git stash list

According to the below-listed output, the stash list is empty:

That’s all! We have described the procedure to delete all of my Git stashes at once.


To delete all the Git stashes at once, first, move to the desired local repository and create a new text file in the working directory. Then, add the text file to the staging area and commit changes to the repository. Next, open the file with the default text editor, update it, and save these changes. After that, temporarily add these changes to the stash and check the list. Lastly, run the “$ git stash clear” command to remove the whole list of stashes. This study demonstrated the method of deleting all Git stashes at once.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.