C Programming

Why Does the Arrow Operator in C Exist

The purpose of the arrow (->) operator in C programming is to provide a convenient means of accessing individual elements of a structure object. This operator is used when working with complex data sets that are organized into a data structure, such as an array, linked list, tree, or hash table. The arrow operator is defined as left-to-right, meaning that it is used to traverse fields of a structure object that are located to the right of the arrow.

Why Does the Arrow (->) Operator in C?

While there are other ways to access elements of a structure object, such as the dot (.) operator, the arrow (->) remains an important element of the C programming language. In fact, you may find it difficult to imagine modern programming without the arrow operator. The ability to quickly access elements of a structure object has become a basic feature of virtually all programming languages today, and the arrow operator has provided a basis for the implementation of data structures across a wide range of applications.

When using a pointer to access members of structures and unions, the arrow operator offers a more direct method. It creates a single operator out of the dereference operator and the dot operator, improving the readability and comprehension of the code. For instance, you may write ptr->name, which is shorter and simpler to understand, instead of writing (*p).name, where “p” is a reference to a structure. In general, the arrow operator is a pointer-based access method that is more understandable and practical for members of structures and unions in C and C++.

Example of an Arrow Operator:

#include <stdio.h>

struct book {
    char title[50];
    int price;

int main() {
    struct book b = {"Odessey", 400};
    struct book *ptr = &b;
    printf("Title: %s\n", ptr->title);
    printf("Price: %d\n", ptr->price);
    return 0;

In this example, “book” is a struct having the fields “title” and “price” defined. Next, we define and initialize a variable “b” of type “struct book“. Also, we declare a pointer “ptr” of type “struct book” and use the address-of operator (&) to direct it to “b“. The “title” and “price” elements of “b” are finally accessed using the arrow operator through the pointer “ptr“, and their values are printed using the printf function.


Benefits of an Arrow Operator

1: Efficiency

The first purpose of the arrow operator is to access memory more efficiently. In programming, data is stored and accessed from various memory locations. Different types of data exist in different memory locations, and the arrow operator allows for efficient searching and storing of this data. Instead of manually iterating through memory, a pointer can be used to jump to the desired memory location quickly and with relative ease. The arrow operator then allows the user to directly access the contents of the pointer.

2: Simplified Syntax

The second purpose of the arrow operator is to provide a faster and more simplified syntax for pointer operations. When using pointers, most operations require multiple lines of code. For example, to access member A in structure T, a user would need to write a couple of lines of code without the arrow operator. With the arrow operator, this can be accomplished in a single line, resulting in improved code readability, fewer lines, and quicker modification and maintenance.

3: Access Individual Objects

The original purpose of the arrow operator was to allow the programmer to access individual elements of a structure object in a more concise and direct way, rather than requiring them to use complex syntax. This was considered a major benefit at the time of C’s introduction since most other programming languages of the era had only limited access to structure objects. The convenience of using the arrow operator simplified the process of organizing, manipulating, and retrieving data from a data structure, ultimately allowing for more efficient code and faster execution values.

4: Direct Access

The arrow operator is also sometimes referred to as the ‘member access operator’, since it provides a direct way to access elements of a structure object (such as a variable within it, or a function). Looking at the expression, the left side of the operator is typically the reference to the structure object, while the right side specifies the element to which it should be analyzed.

5: Access Elements of Embedded Structure

In addition to the convenience of access, another critical aspect of the arrow operator in C is that it can be used to access elements of a structure object even when it is embedded within another structure. This means that complex objects can be traversed, and elements accessed in a more efficient manner, making the arrow operator more powerful than traditional syntax when dealing with complex data sets.


The arrow (->) operator in C programming exists because it provides a convenient and powerful means of accessing elements of a structure object in a concise manner. In addition to providing greater efficiency in the way data is accessed, the arrow operator also allows for more complex objects to be traversed and elements to be accessed, ultimately resulting in improved performance. As we can see, the arrow operator has had a major influence in the development of programming languages over time and continues to play an important role in modern programming.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.