Linux Commands

How to Run a Google Search from the Linux Command Line

Majority of the people use google as a search engine to get information. Although Linux comes with the default web browser to search queries, it is possible to perform a google search from the command line, especially when you are using a Linux server.

This guide will provide detailed information about performing a google search on the Linux command line.

How to Run a Google Search from the Linux Command Line

The Googler is a command line utility that allows users to perform a google search on the Linux command line. It’s a lightweight tool and it is already available in most Linux repositories.

However, before performing Googler installation, update the Linux repository using the following command:

sudo apt update

Then you can install Googler on Linux by executing the below-given command:

sudo apt install googler

Once the installation is completed, Googler is ready to go, launch it by running the following command in the terminal:


For example, if you want to search ‘linux’ you’d type that, the results will appear on your screen. Click on the link to open it on your default browser:

Here, I am searching, and the default website will appear in the results:

Run the following command to open the Googler manual page on the Linux terminal with various examples.

man googler

Remove Googler from Linux

The Googler is a convenient and reliable way of searching sites through the command line in Linux. If you ever want to remove it, run the following command to remove it completely with all installed dependencies of this utility:

sudo apt remove --autoremove googler

Bottom Line

Googler is a command line tool that allows you to search through the command line. It is a convenient and flexible mature tool packed with a lot of features. It is the Python-based tool that lets you search google sites. It can easily perform a google search by first running the “googler” command and then adding the keyword to search on the web.

About the author

Zainab Rehman

I'm an author by profession. My interest in the internet world motivates me to write for Linux Hint and I'm here to share my knowledge with others.