C Programming

What is 1LL or 2LL in C and C++

In C and C++, integers have many types with different ranges and memory storage. For example, the range of values that the short, int, and long data types may hold varies from one another, with the short type having the shortest range and the long type having the highest range. The long or int data type, however, might not always be able to carry a specific integer number. The “long long” data type and related constants are useful in this situation.

Data type sizes are a problem that programmers encounter frequently. When code is transferred from one hardware platform to another, compatibility issues can occur because of the different bit sizes those platforms have. Two integer data types, 1LL and 2LL, have been added in C and C++ to solve the issue.

It’s important to comprehend how 1LL and 2LL in C and C++ work. The only values used in C and C++ are binary values. The binary system is important for addressing low-level programming, being the foundation for how digital devices work.

What Do LL in 1LL and 2LL Mean

The ‘LL’ in 1LL and 2LL stands for ‘long long’. In C and C++, a long long integer is an integer that has a size of at least 64 bits, which is twice the size of a standard integer. This means that a long long integer can hold larger numbers than a standard integer can.

ILL and 2LL in C and C++

1LL and 2LL are two formats that help to accurately specify the size of the integer data type. The difference between 1LL and 2LL is their binary representation. 1LL is represented in binary as 0000000000000001, while 2LL is represented as 0000000000000010. This means that 1LL requires only one bit to represent it, while 2LL requires two bits.


Statements of Boolean logic can be expressed as 1LL, where 0 indicates a false assertion and 1 a true statement. This is because it can represent any integer value with the shortest size imaginable. This is helpful when utilizing specific C and C++ libraries and methods where Boolean values are required.


2LL, on the other hand, is primarily used for bitwise operations such as shifting and masking. Bitwise operations are carried out on a binary number’s distinct bits. In these operations, 2LL is used to set or clear specific bits in a binary word. This is where the binary representation of 2LL (0000000000000010) comes in handy, as the second bit from the right is used to access one of the two individual bits.


Understanding 1LL and 2LL in C and C++ is vital when working with low-level programming languages. By using these data types, programmers can accurately specify the sizes of integer variables, ensuring that they are compatible across different hardware platforms. Learning how to use 1LL and 2LL correctly will allow you to fully use the functionality of C and C++ and create efficient and effective programs.

About the author

Hiba Shafqat

I am a Computer Science student and a committed technical writer by choice. It is a great pleasure to share my knowledge with the world in which I have academic expertise.