
How to Create a Master Branch in a Bare Git Repository?

In Git, the bare repository is a kind of repository that does not contain a working tree. It only has version control data and is used as a centralized remote repository to share changes or modifications between multiple developers. Users can not create branches or tags in the bare repository. However, if you want to create/make any branch in a bare Git repository, you need to push a desired branch from a clone repository to a bare repository.

This write-up will explain the procedure of creating a master branch in a bare Git repository.

How to Create/Make a “master” Branch in a Bare Git Repository?

To create/make a “master” branch in a bare repository, follow the given-provided instructions:

Step 1: Redirect to Local Repository

First, switch to the desired local directory using the following command:

cd "C:\Git"

Step 2: Create Bare Repository

Then, utilize the below-provided command along with the particular bare repository name to create it:

git init --bare bareRepo

Here, “bareRepo” is our bare repository name:

Step 3: Navigate to Bare Repository

Next, redirect to the newly created bare repository:

cd bareRepo

Step 4: View Available Branches

Now, type out the following command to view all the available branches in the bare repository:

git branch

It can be observed that the bare repository does not contain any branch:

Step 5: Create “master” Branch

To create a master branch in the bare repository, execute the given-provided command:

git branch master

In the below screenshot, the error can be seen, and the master branch could not be created:

Note: You cannot create any branch in a bare repository. Many Git commands do not work in a bare repository. So, to create a master branch in a bare repository follow the next provided steps.

Step 6: Move Back to Root Directory

Now, use the following command and move back to the root repository:

cd ..

Step 7: Make a Clone of Bare Repository

Next, clone a bare repository into another repository:

git clone bareRepo/ Repo1

Here, “Repo1” is our desired repository into which we want to clone our bare repository:

Step 8: Verify Repositories

List the content of the root repository using the below-provided command:


Here, both “Repo1” and “bareRepo” repositories can be seen:

Step 9: Redirect to Cloned Repository

Then, navigate to the cloned repository, i.e., “Repo1”:

cd Repo1

Step 10: List Branches

Display the available branches of the current working repository:

git branch

In the below screenshot, no branch can be seen in the current cloned repository:

Step 11: Create a New File

Now, utilize the “touch” command and create a new file in the current cloned repository:

touch Test1.txt

Step 12: Track File

Add the newly created file to the Git index:

git add .

Step 13: Commit Changes

After that, commit changes with the help of the following command along with desired commit message:

git commit -m "Test1 file added"

Step 14: Check Branches

Next, list all the branches again:

git branch

As you can see that the current repository now contains a “master” branch:

Step 15: View Remote

To verify whether the current repository is linked with the bare repository or not, run the below-listed command:

git remote -v

It can be seen that the current repository has been cloned with the “bareRepo” bare repository:

Step 16: Push Changes to Bare Repository

Now, type out the following command to push the changes of the current repository to the bare Git repository:

git push origin master

Step 17: Switch to Bare Repository

Navigate again to the bare Git repository to view changes there:

cd bareRepo

Step 18: Verify Changes

Execute the given-provided command to view the bare repository’s branches:

git branch

In the below-provided command, the “master” branch can be seen in the bare Git repository:

That was about creating a master branch in a bare Git repository.


To create a master branch in the bare Git repository, first, redirect to the root directory. Then, create a bare repository and make a clone of it. After that, navigate to the cloned repository and make changes to it. Next, commit those changes and push them to the bare repository. Lastly, verify modifications in the bare repository. This write-up explained the method of creating a branch in a bare Git repository.

About the author

Laiba Younas

I have done bachelors in Computer Science. Being passionate about learning new technologies, I am interested in exploring different programming languages and sharing my experience with the world.