
What is GitHub Shared Responsibility Model and Source Code Protection

Developers want to use independent Version Control Systems (VCS) while working on similar projects as a team, and it is challenging for them to start from scratch. By using this type of VCS, they can share their code or manage and facilitate a web-based graphical interface. For this purpose, a hosting service GitHub decentralized versioning control system, is most widely utilized.

In this article, we will talk about the shared responsibility model of GitHub and source code protection. So, let’s start!

What is GitHub Shared Responsibility Model?

Every Software-as-a-Service(SaaS) provider specifies some rules. Just like that, being a SaaS provider, GitHub also has the same responsibilities. So, they must operate according to data security measures; otherwise, no one would utilize the GitHub service.

These models provide the security behavior and the duties that should be done by a GitHub and the ones related to the company as a customer. It takes care of network controls, operating systems, data and network centers, and applications. It is utilized partly for managing the directory infrastructure and identity. In simple words, the shared responsibilities model contains the protection and security of the environment but not for the particular account domain.

What is Source Code Protection?

GitHub hosting service highly takes care of the user’s data and protects it. It comprises all of the necessary measures to protect credentials from alteration, unauthorized access, and destruction. Some risks can be dangerous for users’ data. So, the negligence of some important aspects of GitHub security can lead to serious issues.

At GitHub, security is the major factor that requires it to be handled as a community. Similarly, a safe, open-source community is not just better for open-source software; millions of organizations take benefits that depend on this GitHub major factor. That’s why different tools and processes allow organizations and open-source maintainers to code securely throughout the entire software development life cycle.


GitHub shared responsibility model is also a SaaS provider that has some set of responsibilities. They can operate according to the configured rules. GitHub highly takes care of the protection of the user’s project’s source code, including all the necessary measures to protect credentials from alteration, unauthorized access, and destruction. This article discussed about the shared responsibility model of GitHub and source code protection.

About the author

Maria Naz

I hold a master's degree in computer science. I am passionate about my work, exploring new technologies, learning programming languages, and I love to share my knowledge with the world.