
How to Install Enlightenment on Ubuntu

Enlightenment is a widely-practiced open-source window manager for X Window Systems (a windowing system on Unix OS). Enlightenment provides graphical shell support, or it can be used with the KDE or GNOME-based programs to have a better user interface.

Enlightenment supports various Foundation Libraries that can be exercised to make it a proper desktop environment. By default, Ubuntu is equipped with a GNOME desktop environment. However, you can install other desktop environments such as KDE, MATE, etc. In today’s tutorial, we will guide you to install Enlightenment on Ubuntu.

How to install Enlightenment on Ubuntu

Enlightenment does not ship with the official repository of Ubuntu. However, it can be obtained using the PPA (Personal Package Archive) of Ubuntu. To install Enlightenment, install it by following the steps provided below.

Step 1: To add the PPA repository of enlightenment, use the below-stated command in Ubuntu’s terminal to get the latest stable release of enlightenment.

$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:niko2040/e19

Step 2: As soon as the PPA repository is added, update the Ubuntu’s repository list with the help of the following command.

$ sudo apt update

Step 3: Lastly, install the enlightenment by issuing the following command.

$ sudo apt install enlightenment

Hit “y” to proceed

The installation has been completed successfully and you can now use Enlightenment on your Ubuntu.

How to use Enlightenment desktop on Ubuntu

You are all set to switch to the Enlightenment desktop environment, let’s do it.

Reboot your Ubuntu system and click on the desktop environment icon on the lock screen. Choose “Enlightenment” from the list.

When Enlightenment is loaded, it will ask you to configure settings such as keyboard layout, window size and focus, taskbar, and many more. Once done, you would get the Enlightenment desktop as shown below.

Here you go with Enlightenment !!

How to remove Enlightenment on Ubuntu

Here, we come up with a few necessary commands to completely remove Enlightenment from Ubuntu.

To remove Enlightenment from Ubuntu, exercise the following command.

$ sudo apt remove --autoremove enlightenment

Moreover, you must remove the PPA repository as it will be of no use after removing Enlightenment.

$ sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:niko2040/e19

After doing so, you have removed the Enlightenment alongside its dependencies from Ubuntu.


In Ubuntu, Enlightenment can be installed from the PPA (unofficial) repository. This guide intends to serve as a masterpiece to get Enlightenment on Ubuntu. Enlightenment is a lightweight desktop environment intended to provide a new style graphical interface for Ubuntu users. Although it has a very basic interface as compared to GNOME, KDE, MATE, it serves the GUI requirement of a user.

About the author

Adnan Shabbir