Golang Create Channel
Before we can use a channel in Go, we must create one. To create a channel in Go, we can use the make function to create a new channel.
The syntax is as shown:
Keep in mind that a channel is sensitive to the data type. This means we cannot send an int value through a channel of string.
The following example creates a channel that can only support string types:
Once we have a channel declared, we can send and receive values.
Sending and Receiving Values
We can send and receive values using the channel <- operator. An example code is as shown below:
funcmain() {
ch := make(chanstring)
// send to channel
gofunc() {
ch<- "Hello"
// recieve
msg := <-ch
In the previous example, we create a basic goroutine to send the data to the channel "ch". We then receive the data from the channel and print it out.
Sending Struct via Channel
We can also send struct data through a channel, provided we create the channel with the correct type.
Consider the following code example:
type user struct {
FirstName, LastNamestring
funcmain() {
user1 := user{"Jane", "Doe"}
ch := make(chan user)
gofunc() {
ch<- user1
first_name := (<-ch).FirstName
If we run the previous code, it should print the First Name as received by the struct sent through the channel.
Unidirectional Channels
As mentioned, Go channels are bidirectional by default. However, we can define a channel so that it can either send or receive values but not both. This is known as a unidirectional channel.
The syntax is as shown:
ch := make(<-chan data_type) // receive only channel
Notice the position of the channel operator in the previous syntax.
The following example creates a send-only channel:
type user struct {
FirstName, LastNamestring
funcmain() {
ch := make(chan<- string)
gofunc () {
ch<- "Hi"
msg := <- ch
Note the previous channel is set to send-only. However, we try to receive through the channel, and the compiler returns an error as shown:
invalid operation: <-ch (receive from send-only type chan<- string)
Closing Channels
We can close a channel after the required values are sent. For that, we use the close function. It takes the name of the channel. It then closes the channel and returns a Boolean value which you can use to check if the channel is closed.
An example is shown below:
type user struct {
FirstName, LastNamestring
funcmain() {
ch := make(chanstring)
gofunc() {
ch<- "Hi"
_, ok := <-ch
if !ok {
The previous example closes the channel using the close() method. We then use the Boolean value returned from the function to check if the channel is closed.
This guide walks you through how to work with channels in the Go programming language. The process of creating a channel, sending and receiving values, sending struct data via a channel, explaining the unidirectional channels, and closing the channels were discussed. We hope you found this article helpful. Check out the other Linux Hint articles for more tips and information.