MySQL Force Index

The particular value in a table field can be searched quickly by using an index. If no index is defined in the table, the search will start from the first record and stop searching where the searching value exists. If the search value does not exist in the table, the search will stop after iterating the last record. It is very time-consuming for the large table. MySQL uses indexes for the table’s fields to make the searching faster. The MySQL server’s query optimizer is a useful component to optimize the query execution by using available statistics. If the statistics show that the searching value exists in most of the table’s records, then there is no benefit to using the index. If the statistics show the searching value exists in a few table records, then it is beneficial to use the index to make the searching faster. MySQL can force the index when the query optimizer ignores the index.


The syntax of the force index is given below.


FROM table_name

FORCE INDEX (index_list)

WHERE condition;

Here, the index_list will contain one or more column names of the table_name used for searching.


You have to create a database table with data in a MySQL database to check the Force Index feature of MySQL. Open the terminal and connect with the MySQL server by executing the following command.

$ sudo mysql -u root

Run the following command to create a database named test_db.


Run the following command to select the database.

USE test_db;

Run the following query to create a table named employees with five fields.

CREATE TABLE `employees` (

`id` int(11) AUTO_INCREMENT,

`name` varchar(50) NOT NULL,

`post` varchar(25) NOT NULL,

`joining_date` date NOT NULL,

`salary` int NOT NULL,


Run the following INSERT query to add six values into the employees table.

INSERT INTO `employees` (`id`, `name`, `post`, `joining_date`, `salary`) VALUES

(NULL, 'Nur Jahan', 'Assistant Manager', '2021-01-05', 78000),

(NULL, 'Asif Iqbal', 'Manager', '2019-03-20', 56000),

(NULL, 'Jafar Iqbal', 'Assistant Manager', '2021-12-31', '60000'),

(NULL, 'Sefali Akter', 'Marketing Officer', '2022-01-01', '65000'),

(NULL, 'Apurbo Chowdhury', 'CEO', '2013-05-15', '350000'),

(NULL, 'Nirob Hasan', 'Manager', '2019-12-18', '58000');

Example-1: Check the default index

When a table is created, the primary key will be defined as an index by default. Run the following command to check the current index list of the employees.



The following output will appear after executing the above query. The output shows that the BTREE index has been assigned for the id field of the employees table.

If no index is assigned for the salary field of the employees table after creating the table, then all records of the table will be scanned by the query optimizer for the following query. The Explain keyword is used here to get the execution information of the SELECT query.

Explain Select * from employees

Where salary >= 60000;


The following output will appear after executing the above query. The output shows that all rows were required to execute the query and filter data from the employees table.

Example-2: Check the execution of the query after creating the index

You have to define the index for the salary field of the employees table to optimize the query properly. Run the following query to create the index for the salary field of the employee table.

CREATE INDEX index_salary ON employees(salary);

Run the following command again to check the current index status of the employees table.



The following output will appear after executing the above command. The output shows that there are two BTREE indexes now in the employees table.

Run the previous SELECT query again to check the execution information of the query. The output of the Explain statement may not be accurate for the table containing few records or may vary for different executions. It is better to add large records into the table to get the approximately correct result.

Explain Select * from employees

Where salary >= 60000;


The following output will appear after executing the above query. The output shows that 4 rows were required to execute the query and filter the data from the employees table. According to the output, the query’s execution time is 0.04 seconds that accessed 4 rows to get the output.

Example-3: Check the execution of the query after using Force Index

The query optimizer will use the defined index or not that depends on the query’s condition, the number of records of the query, and the number of matching rows of the table based on the condition.

Run the following query to force the query optimizer to use the index_salary index at the time of query execution. The Force Index statement is used before the WHERE clause of the SELECT query to force the query optimizer to use the index_salary index.

Explain Select * from employees

Force Index(index_salary)

Where salary >= 60000;


The following output will appear after executing the above query. The output shows that 4 rows were required to execute the query and filter the data from the employees table. According to the output, the query’s execution time is 0.00 seconds that accessed 4 rows to get the output. This output may also vary for different executions.


The Force Index feature of MySQL is useful when searching the particular value in a table that contains a large number of records. The way of creating an index for a table and forcing the query optimizer to use that index forcefully at the time of query execution by using the Force Index statement has been shown in this tutorial.

About the author

Fahmida Yesmin

I am a trainer of web programming courses. I like to write article or tutorial on various IT topics. I have a YouTube channel where many types of tutorials based on Ubuntu, Windows, Word, Excel, WordPress, Magento, Laravel etc. are published: Tutorials4u Help.